Vul. Hrushevskoho, 4 – Lviv National Franko University building
Facade is topped with a cornice. The facade wall has almost no decorative features. There is also a cornice that separates the level of the first (ground) floor. Windows have simple profiled trimmings.
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Vul. Kyryla i Mefodiya, 06 – Lviv National Franko University building
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Vul. Kyryla i Mefodiya, 08 – Lviv National Franko University building
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Adolf Beck
– Professor, doctor of physiology.
Yevhen Olesnytskyi
– Leading Galician politician of Ukrainian (Ruthenian) origin, advocate, economist, journalist and translator.
Leon Szajowicz
– Lawyer, enterpreneur.
- Cecylia Klaften – A biologist, director of a craft school for girl.
- Waclaw Moraczewski – Physician, teacher and rector of the Academy of Veterinary Medicine.
Florian Ziemiałkowski
Polish politician and Austrian statesman, President of Lviv, lawyer.
- Władysław Stesłowicz – Polish politician, public figure, economist. Government commisioner of Lviv in 1918-1919.
- Denys Lukiyanovych – Ukrainian writer and pedagogist.
- Ostap Ortwin (Oskar Katzenellenbogen) – A Polish writer.
Mykhaylo Vozniak (1881–1954)
Ukrainian literary scholar.
Józef Bilczewski
Józef Bilczewski was the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Lviv in 1900–1923, a professor and rector of Lviv University, a member (so-called virilist) of the Galician Diet. In 2005 he was canonized as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church.
Yulian Lavrivskyi
Ukrainian political and cultural figure, judge, Galician Diet member and its vice-marshal, member of the Ruthenian Congress, Congress of Ruthenian Scholars, organizer of the Ruska Besida society and its theater, head of the Prosvita.
- Raphael Lemkin – Rafał (Raphael) Lemkin (1900-1959) is by now the most prominent Polish lawyer of the 20th century, widely known for his investment in conceiving the linguistic and legal terms appropriate for what due to his efforts has become common currency under the expression genocide.
- Hersch Lauterpacht – Sir Hersch Lauterpacht (1897–1960) is considered one of the most influential international legalists of the twentieth century, if not the founder of modern international law, due to his remarkable contributions to the foundation of the international protection of human rights after 1945.
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