Prosp. Svobody, 20 – Lviv National Museum building
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Vul. Drahomanova, 42 – National Museum building (former Dunikowski villa)
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Leonard Marconi
Leonard Marconi was a sculptor and building decorator, professor at the Higher Technical School in Lviv.
Godzimir Małachowski
Polish lawyer, politician, Deputy of Halychyna Parliament and the Austrian Parliament, President of Lviv (1896-1905).
Heorhiy Kosovan
A Ukrainian gallerist, curator, and art collector. Lives and works in Lviv.
Andriy Sahaidakovskyi
A painter and graphic artist, author of installations, art objects, and environments. Lives and works in Lviv.
Olena Turyanska
An artist, author of paper cut art, installations, objects, and artbooks, an interior designer. Lives and works in Lviv.
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