
Andriy Sahaidakovskyi

ID: 282

A painter and graphic artist, author of installations, art objects, and environments. Lives and works in Lviv.

Andriy Sahaidakovskyi was born in 1957 in the old part of Lviv. His father was an architect, his mother was a school teacher of German. In 1974-1979, Andriy studied architecture at the Lviv Polytechnic Institute. At the same time, he took painting lessons from Roman Selskyi and Karlo Zvirynskyi. He considers them to be his teachers, both for the skill and the technique (coloristic and composition) and believes they helped develop a taste for understanding the art of modernism (Katerynenko, "Sahaidakovskyi on Sahaidakovskyi"). Andriy has never become an architect though he did get a job at the Lviv Polytechnic.

Andriy Sahaidakovskyi describes his painting process with the word "besmear". This method was partially inspired by the medium he is still working with —  carpets. He is using old canvas, ragged fabric in his works, and carpets eventually became the key background for the realization of his artistic ideas. In the late 1980s, when Sahaidakovskyi began his creative career, there was a crisis with materials. He could not easily access painting materials as he was not a member of the Union of Artists. On the other hand, the 1990s recession period also forced the artist to search for alternative materials. The carpets filled the gap and became a recognizable feature of his works. The storylines in Sahaidakovskyi's paintings are usually described by art critics as "the truth of life."The absurd reality of the everyday routine with an ironic caption in shaky non-calligraphic childlike handwriting (Skliarenko, 2015, 218). Thus, the absurd postmodern world receives a slightly careless touch through the lens of an "emotional conceptualist."



In 1990, curated by the Lviv gallerist Heorhiy Kosovan, jointly with Platon Silvestrov, Ihor Shulyev, and Oleksandr Zamkovskyi, Sahaidakovskyi coorganized a loud provocative exhibition named Defloration. It is considered a benchmark event, from which the transition from modernist art to curator-based and individual projects of the post-modernist art started (Vysheslavskyi, 2008, 31). 25 years later, Defloration was replicated in the "Vaginarium" gallery in Kyiv, but as an archival-historical project — an exhibition about the exhibition (Beba, 2015).

When alternative artists received their freedom and started their institutionalization, Lviv saw the birth of Dzyga. It was the institution to generate new ideas and senses for the coming decades. The first solo exhibition of Sahaidakovskyi's works took place there in 1993. It was the first solo exhibition of the newly opened Dzyga (Shumylovych, 2013).

Andriy Sahaidakovskyi is a member of many international projects in Warsaw, Paris, Regensburg, Perm, Kyiv, and Lviv. His solo exhibitions took place in Warsaw, Kyiv, Dnipro, and Lviv. Since 2008, the solo exhibitions have mostly been organized in partnership with the art center Ya Gallery in Kyiv. In 2012, Andriy Sahaidakovskyi was awarded the prize of the First Kyiv Biennale of Contemporary Art ARSENALE AWARDS 2012, in the nomination Discovery of the ARSENALE 2012. In 2015, he participated in the Polish pavilion at the International Art Biennale in Venice.

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Vul. Bandery, 12 – Lviv Polytechnic National University main building

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Prosp. Svobody, 20 – Lviv National Museum building

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Pl. Muzeina, 1 – former Dominican Monastery

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Vul. Stefanyka, 03 – Lviv Art Gallery Building (former Loziński palace)

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Works and Projects

1980 — Петро (Petro)
1987 — Цитата (A quotation)
1989 — Без назви, скульптура (дерево, метал) No name, sculpture (wood, metal)
1989 — Студія анатомії (Anatomy study)
1993 — Двоє при столі (Two at the table)
1993 — Це стіл (This is a table)
1995 — Нога (Leg)
1996 — Хто ви, лікарю (Who are you, doctor)
1996 — Німий (Mute)
1996 — Глухий (Deaf)
1997 — Даная (Danaë)
1998 — Переклад цитати (Translation of the quotation)
1999 — Це є голова собаки, це є голова дитини (This is a head of a dog, this is a head of a child)
2000 — Маринарка для митця (інсталяція) A jacket for an artist (installation)
2004 — Небо земля (Sky earth)
2006 — Червона шапочка (Red riding hood)
2006 — Пейзаж зі скелею (Landscape with a rock)
2006 — Дивись! не заблукай (Watch out! Don't get lost)
2007 — Балерина (Ballerina)
2007 — Нормально ходи (Walk properly)
2007 — Прогулянка (A walk)
2007 — Сонечко світить (The sun is shining)
2008 — Віолетта з Коломиї (Violetta from Kolomyia)
2008 — Щасливе життя (Happy life)
2008 — Happy life
2008 — Далеко у воду не заходи (Don't get deep into the water)
2008 — Кравець (Tailor)
2008 — Junge Frauen aus allen Welt in Freundschaft verunden
2009 — Білі китайські кеди (White chinese shoes)
2009 — Воїн (Warrior)
2009 — Тримай ноги в теплі (Keep your feet in the warm)
2009 — Спортивна гімнастика. Вправи на колоді (A sport gymnastics. Excercises on a balance beam)
2009 — Риси обличчя ІІ, Посмішка як особливий порух м’язів (Face features II. A smile as a special movement of the muscles)
2009 — Велике вухо (Big ear)
2009 — Перспектива пейзажу (Perspective of a landscape)
2010 — Мущина у рудій перуці (A man in a red wig)
2010 — Проблема, Слухай уважно (Problem, listen closely)
2010 — Напівбог (Halfgod)
2010 — Це те, що воно є. Худоба (This is what it is. Cattle)
2010 — Хочеш бути ... (Want to be...)
2011 — Жнець (Reaper)
2011 — Хай веде нас вода, хай нас повінь на сповідь несе в небеса (Let water lead us, let flood transport us to a confession in the skies)
2011 — Веселий весняний танок біля калюжі (A happy spring dance by a puddle)
2011 — Лекція анатомії доктора Тульпа (Doctor Tulp's anatomy lesson)
2011 — Не гризи нігті (Don't bite your nails)
2012 — Пейзаж (Landscape)
2012 — Ноги, що стоять у річці (Legs standing in a river)
2012 — Особа у вузькій спідниці намагається стати на банкетку (A person in a tight skirt is trying to get on a tuffet)
2012 — Цитата, диптих (Quotation, diptych)
2012 — Дзеркало в інтер’єрі (Mirror in the interior)
2013 — Портрет незнайомого (A portrait of a stranger)
2013 — Портрет старої бабці (A portrait of an old grandma)
2013 — Прогулянка лісовими стежками (A walk on forest trails)
2013 — Сутінки, пейзаж за вікном (Dusk, landscape in the window)
2013 — Пам’яті художника (In memory of an artist)
2013 — Діалоги (Dialogues)
2015 — Картина сміху (Image of laughter)
2015 — Пейзаж (Landscape)
2015 — Байки братів Грімм (Brother Grimm's tales)
2015 — Пейзаж з Венерою (Landscape with Venus)
2015 — Студія анатомії (Anatomy studies)
2015 — Забави (Games)
2016 — Худоба на пасовищі (Cattle on a pasture)
2016 — На схилах гір (On the hill slopes)
2016 — Небо (Sky)
2019 — Шмата до підлоги (A piece for washing floors)
2019 — Перукарня (Hairdresser's)
2019 — Портрет невідомого (A portrait of a stranger)
2019 — Хлопчина, що витягує скалки (A boy picking out splinters)

(unknow dates)

Сніданок на траві (Breakfast on the grass)
Морський пейзаж в переспективі (A see landscape in perspective)
Перспектива крісла (A perspective of aт armchair )
Шлунок (Stomach)
Горизонти (Horizons)
А де ви? (And where are you?)


Personal exhibitions:

1997 — Без назви (No Name; Dzyga Culture and Art Center, Lviv)
1998 — Відкрита таємниця (An open mystery; Center for Contemporary Art, Kyiv)
2008 — Цитата (Quotation; Ya Gallery Art Center, Kyiv)
2013 — Прогулянка лісовими стежками (Walks on forest trails; Ya Gallery Art Center, Kyiv)
2015 — Пейзажі (Landscapes; Ya Gallery Art Center, Dnipro)
2017 — Слухай уважно (Listen closely; Ya Gallery Art Center, Kyiv)
2017 — Пустоти (The voids; Lviv National Art Gallery)
2019 — Трошки неба (A little bit of sky; Ya Gallery Art Center, Kyiv)


Selected group exhibitions:

1990 — Дефлорація (Defloration; curated by Gal-Art Gallery; Lenin Museum in Lviv)
1990 — Exhibition at the International Congress of Ukrainian Medical Doctors  (curated by Gal-Art Gallery, Lviv)
1993 — Степи Європи (Steppes of Ukraine, Ujazdowski Castle Contemporary Art Center, Warsaw)
1999 — Ідентичність та різноманіття (Identity and Diversity; Passage de Retz, Paris)
2000 — Пункт перетину (Cross Point; Forumm Fabrikum Contemporary Art Center, Lodz)
2000 — Погляди на Україну (Regards Sur l'Ukraine; Passage de Retz, Paris)
2001 — Пункт перетину (Cross Point; Deutsche Telekom, Stuttgart)
2001 — Пункт перетину (Cross Point; Museum of the History of Religion, Lviv)
2001 — Український бренд (Ukrainian Brand; Center for Contemporary Art, Kyiv)
2002 — Арт-проект "Культурні герої" (Cultural Heroes art project; Dzyga, Lviv)
2002 — Before and After (Tokio)
2003 — One Man History Museum, DE NOVO festival (Lviv Etnography and Crafts Museum)
2003 — at the festival donumenta. Die Ukraine (Regensburg, Germany)
2006 — Terytoria (Territory; Lublin)
2007 — reANIMATION (Lviv Art Gallery)
2009 — Мінімистецтво (Miniart; Ya Gallery Art Center, Kyiv)
2010 — Бебібум (Babyboom; Ya Gallery Art Center, Kyiv)
2010 — На столі. Народне актуальне (On the Table. Folk Contemporary;Ya Gallery Art Center, Kyiv)
2011 — Слово (Word; Ya Gallery Art Center, Kyiv)
2012 — Warhol's Relatives. Contemporary Art of Western Ukraine (Central House of Artist, Moscow)
2013 — Lyman ІІ. Triennale of Contemporary Ukrainian Art (Lublin)
2015 — Exhibition 100+1 (Gary Bowman Art Gallery, Lviv)


1. Hlib Vysheslavskyi, Oleh Sydor-Hibelynda, Terminology of Contemporary Art, (Paris-Kyiv: Terra Incognita), 416 (Гліб Вишеславський,  Олег Сидор-Гібелинда, Термінологія сучасного мистецтва, (Париж-Київ: Terra incognita, 2010), 416)

2. Hlib Vysheslavskyi, "Art Life in Lviv in the Late 1980s and Early 1990s", Lviv. Artistic Map of Ukraine. Painting. Graphics. Sculpture, ed. Tania Hrushchenko, Marianna Musiy, (Kyiv: Yuvelir Press, 2008), 269 (Гліб Вишеславський, "Художнє життя у Львові наприкінці 1980-х на початку 1990-х", Львів. Мистецька мапа України. Живопис. Графіка. Скульптура,  ред. Таня Грущенко, Мар'яна Мусій, (Київ: Ювелір Прес, 2008), 269)

3. Halyna Skliarenko, "On the Complexity of Simple Things: Andriy Sahaidakovskyi", Contemporary Art of Ukraine. Portraits of the Artists, (Kyiv: Huss, 2015), pp. 213–228 (Галина Скляренко, "'О сложности простых вещей': Андрей Сагайдаковский", Современное искусство Украины. Портреты художников, (Київ: Huss, 2015), с. 213–228)

4. Yulia Beba, "Defloration: The History 25 Years Later", ArtUkraine, 2015 (Юлія Беба, "'Дефлорація': історія через 25 років", ArtUkraine, 2015) [accessed 13.11.2020]

5. Nata Katerynenko, "Sahaidakovskyi on Sahaidakovskyi", МІТЄЦ (Ната Катериненко, "Сагайдаковський про Сагайдаковського", МІТЄЦ) [accessed 13.11.2020]

6. Bohdan Shumylovych, "1993 in Lviv: Transgressions and Aesthetic Rituals of the Transformation", Zbruč (Богдан Шумилович, "1993 у Львові: трансгресії та естетичні ритуали переходу", Zbruč, 2013) [accessed 13.11.2020]

7. "Andriy Sahaidakovskyi: A Happy Life. Painting", Nezabarom ("Андрій Сагайдаковський: щасливе життя. Живопис", Незабаром) [accessed 13.11.2020]

8. Vita Susak, "Andriy Sahaidakovskyi: The Voids Are a Possibility", Zaxid.net, 2013 (Віта Сусак, "Андрій Сагайдаковський: Пустоти — це можливість", Zaxid.net, 2013) [accessed 13.11.2020]

9. "Project реАНІМАЦІЯ-reANIMATION", Vgolos, 2007 ("Проект реАНІМАЦІЯ-reANIMATION", Вголос, 2007) [accessed 13.11.2020]

By Anastasiia Marusiy
Edited by Bohdan Shumylovych and Olha Zarechnyuk

Created with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation