
Vul. Kotliarevskoho, 47 – residential building

ID: 532

The former villa of Karol Dziadoń Dzieliński, was built in 1903-1906 by the Jan Lewiński company under a project designed by Alfred Zachariewicz. It is a bright example of Romantic architecture, it stands out by its unplastered red brick façades. It is an architectural monument of local significance no. 116. 


In the late 19th c. Kastelivka (pol. Kastelówka) began to be integrated into the urban fabric of Lviv as a villa housing area. The urban design of this part of the city was implemented by renowned architects: Julian Zachariewicz, a professor of the Polytechnic, his son Alfred, and Ivan Levysnkyi (Jan Lewiński), a famous entrepreneur and builder. In 1885 they bought grounds called Nowy świat  and Bajki from the city and from 1888 gradually built up villas under their own projects. The architects determined ul. Na Willach, which was named after Ludwik Nabielak in 1895 (during the German occupation it was called Schillerstrasse and from 1946 on, Kotliarevskoho street) as the main "artery" of their garden town.

The parcels, located along the newly laid Nabielaka street (cadastral numbers 2510/7, 2510/8, 2510/9, 2510/12), were separated from the construction site with conscription number 93 ¼. They were purchased by Karol Dziadoń Dzieliński. On 18 June 1903 the owner applied to the Magistrate for permission to build a two-storied residential house with an attic. A project designed by architect Alfred Zachariewicz, who worked at the Jan Lewiński architectural and construction bureau, was attached to the application. A building permit for a villa was issued by the Magistrate on 19 August 1903; on 18 July 1904 the owner asked to allow the use of the newly built house, which was assigned orientation number 31. On 17 August 1904 the plot, where the villa stood, was assigned new conscription number 1608 ¼, and on 18 August 1904 the owner was given the required permission. It is indicated in documents that the villa consisted of a living room, a kitchen, a staircase, a toilet and an open terrace on the ground floor, and two bedrooms, a bathroom, a staircase and a large balcony (terrace) on the attic floor.

Karol Dzieliński intended to expand his house and on 24 June 1905 applied to the Magistrate asking for permission to add a two-storied block with basements to the north façade; the project was designed by Alfred Zachariewicz. Permission was issued on 24 July 1905. The added part contained a kitchen, a servants' room, a laundry, a toilet and a staircase in the basements; on each of the two floors, there were two rooms and a staircase. The construction was completed on 26 May 1906. On 7 July 1906 permission for the use of the extension was issued.

The next owner of the villa was engineer Emil Bratro, who lived on ul. Kalecza Góra, 5. On 4 February 1937 he applied to the Magistrate for permission to carry out an internal reconstruction of the house on ul. Nabielaka, 47, which was in his possession. It was planned to partially replace the roof structures, to change the layout of some premises and to landscape the area around the villa with ​​arranging a grid fence on a high concrete foundation with pillars, a gate and a wicket from Nabielaka street. The reconstruction project was designed by Karol Janiczek, a licensed builder and engineer. Under the project, some door niches were walled, a doorway was arranged on the ground floot, the kitchen was redesigned; instead of the bathroom unit, a closet was arranged; the toilet was transferred to the bathroom. On the second floor,  in place of the kitchen a living room with a stove was arranged.

In the post-war Soviet period, the single-family villa was used as a house with several apartments, one of which was arranged on the attic floor due to the raising of the northern block walls. In 2007 the building was given new elements, some of them dissonant, as a result of a reconstruction on the ground floor by architect Gábor Szarvas. According to the project, instead of the large balcony a large glazed verandah was arranged in the villa's western part, blocking the lateral entrance, with stairs remaining; in the rear of the villa, the verandah was expanded in the form of a half-timbered structure, with a terrace above; stoves were dismantled in all rooms. A small roof was arranged above the main entrance; in some apartments, the original window woodwork was replaced with metal-plastic windows. The area around the villa was landscaped, a paving was arranged around the house, the paths were paved with concrete blocks. On the east (vul. Kotliarevskoho, 45) the plot was fenced with a high brick wall, on the south it was fenced with grid fence sections on a high brick foundation.

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The brick two-storied house with basements and an attic floor has open brickwork, a plastered rear façade and steep roofs. Its spatial structure is formed by two uneven blocks constructed at different times; the blocks are connected by a staircase, which is semicircular in plan and protrudes behind the east façade's front. Instead of the original wooden verandah, a modern verandah, designed in the form of a half-timbered structure, is adjacent to the rear façade.

The villa is accentuated by a small spired tower (on the northwest corner of the older block) and by chimneys covered with glazed tiles, which, along with open brickwork and high roofs, provide the villa with a Gothicizing character.

The building's façades are designed with the use of architectural and decorative and plastic means: open brickwork; the window openings emphasized by projecting segmental brick lintels with white stone keystones in the basement windows; white stone corners and a belt course emphasizing the lower tier at the basement level; wooden projections of the roofs; coloured glazed tiles on the attic roofs (preserved on the spired four-pitched roof of the tower); ornamental forged string pieces of the ceilings, tall brick chimneys, the staircase balcony with a fence made of rolled iron. The main façade (overlooking Kotliarevskoho street) is emphasized by a triangularly projecting paired window on a stepped console, covered with a pyramidal gable roof.

The house can be entered through a small vestibule adjacent to the staircase from the main (northern) side. The wooden double door of the main entrance is decorated with woodwork binding elements (hinges, bolts, a lock), emphasizing the villa's romantic nature.

The wooden staircase interior is designed in the Neo-Gothic style: wooden railings, a decorative element of the intermediate platform lighting, sconces and shaped decorative consoles.

The building is an illustrative example of Lviv's romantic villa housing of the Art Nouveau period.


Emil Bratro — engineer who owned the building from 1937
Karol Dziadoń Dzieliński — the initial owner of the building 
Julian Zachariewicz — a renowned architect, professor of the Lviv Polytechnic 
Ivan Levynskyi (Jan Lewiński) — a famous architect, builder and entrepreneur 
Ludwik Nabielak — a Polish poet after whom the street was named. He was famous for his active position against Germanisation of the Slavs 
Gábor Szarvas — an architect who designed a reconstruction project in 2007, head of the Cultural Society of the Lviv Hungarians  
Karol Janiczek — a master builder and engineer who designed the villa's adaptation in 1937  



1. Державний архів Львівської області (ДАЛО) 2/1/5272.
2. Карта Львова 1936 р.
3. Ситуаційний план Кастелівки, 1889 р.
4. "Кастелівка" , Енциклопедія Львова, Львів, 2010, Т. 3.
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By Oksana Boyko