Vlodko (Volodymyr) Kostyrko
An artist, art critic, curator, art collector, and interior designer. Author of paintings, graphic art, collages, assemblages, installations, environments, and street art. Lives and works in Lviv.
He was born in 1967 in Lviv. In 1982-1987, Kostyrko studied at the Ivan Trush School of Arts and Crafts; in 1990-1995, he was a student at the Faculty of the History of Arts at Lublin Catholic University. He founded and self-published the Kremniuk magazine, whose literary core consisted of the Lviv LuHoSad group members.
In many cases, lifting the iron curtain gave an impetus for experimentation with new materials and forms. For some artists, experiments forced onto the back burner the conventional "boring" figurative painting. However, Lviv painters Volodymyr Kostyrko and Yevhen Ravskyi took the classic painting language of the Western tradition as a basis for creating new contemporary themes, while often resorting to irony.
"In Soviet times, the irony helped not to fall into hysteria or despair because of the pressure from the system. It was a wonderful way to keep away from all the black-and-white divisions, such as "right-wrong," "good-bad", "art-non-art" …"(Natalia Kosmolinska, "Louvre" — Game challenge, Zbruč, 2013).
Kostyrko exploits the medieval painting stylistics, the Renaissance, or baroque, to talk about the present days densely permeated with the images of Western European art (Filonenko, "The Truth of the Art Is Fiction", 2017). On this account, the artist would often be called a "myth-maker" and a "mystifier of Galicia". His early works are the visualization of the history of the crown land of Galicia and Lodomeria. In 1998-1999, Kostyrko produced a cycle of portraits of the leading cultural figures, as part of an international art project "Grands of Arts." He was also a chief art designer at the Halytskyi Lytsar ("Galician Knight") events. According to Bohdan Voron, "the artist was disillusioned about the Great Ukraine, that is why the lead character of his works is the Grand Galicia" (Voron, 2013).
In his creative work, he is trying to use the painterly techniques of the past but opens their imagery to doubt. Thus, at the exhibition The Truth of Art Is Fiction (2017) in Kharkiv, he de-mythologized the role of an artist; at the Kyiv-based Art…&Of (2015), he re-interpreted an image of a woman by expanding the range of her "usual" roles.
In addition to the purely artistic activities, Kostyrko does interior designs, such as for the coffee shops and restaurants in Lviv. Some of them are: Pid Syniov Fliashkov ("Under the Blue Bottle"), Café 1, Kabinet ("The Cabinet"), Kumpel ("The Buddy"), Khmilnyi Dim Roberta Domsa ("The Liquor Place of Robert Doms"), CK Lokal, Mons Pius, Kentavr, Atlas. In his designs, Kostyrko produced the images from the past, mostly Habsburg-times Lviv, and made the paintings for the places. With his designs, Kostyrko launched a peculiar "Lviv style," often replicated by other designers and going far beyond Lviv. In addition, Kostyrko is active in street art, with preferences on paperwork rather than on classic graffiti.
Related Places
Vul. Snopkivska, 47 – Lviv Ivana Trusha College of Decorative and Applied Arts
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Vul. Stefanyka, 03 – Lviv Art Gallery Building (former Loziński palace)
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1. Viktoria Bavykina, "Kharkiv Dimenstion on the 'new-old masters': Vlodko Kostyrko and Yevhen Ravskyi", lb.ua, 2018 (Вікторія Бавикіна, "Харківський вимір 'нових старих майстрів': Влодко Костирко та Євген Равський", lb.ua, 2018) [accessed 11.11.2020]
2. Hlib Vysheslavskyi, Oleh Sydor-Hibelynda, Terminology of Contemporary Art, (Paris-Kyiv: Terra Incognita, 2010), 416 (Гліб Вишеславський, Олег Сидор-Гібелинда, Термінологія сучасного мистецтва, (Париж-Київ: Terra incognita, 2010), 416 )
3. Bohdan Voron, "Volodymyr Kostyrko: The Myth-Maker of Galicia", ARTES Artistic Almanach, 2013 (Богдан Ворон, "Володимир Костирко: міфотворець Галичини", Мистецький альманах АРТЕС, 2013) [accessed 11.11.2020]
4. Volodymyr Kostyrko, "Let's Gnaw Iron As We Aren't Human", prostory, 2017 (Володимир Костирко, "Гризім залізо бо ми не люди", prostory, 2017) [accessed 11.11.2020]
5. Nataliya Kosmolinska, "Louvre" — Game challenge, Zbruč, 2013 (Наталія Космолінська, "'Лувр' — виклик гри, Zbruč, 2013) [accessed 11.11.2020]
6. Nataliya Kosmolinska, "Vlodko Kostyrko: Art Portrait With the City in the Background", Zbruč, 2013 (Наталія Космолінська, "Влодко Костирко: арт-портрет на тлі міста", Zbruč, 2013) [accessed 11.11.2020]
7. Lubko Petrenko, "Vlodko Kostyrko: As to Me, Lviv Will Be Better Off, When There Will Be No State At All :)", Zaxid.net, 2013 (Любко Петренко, "Влодко Костирко: Як на мене, Львову буде ліпше, коли держави не буде зовсім :)", Zaxid.net, 2013 [accessed 11.11.2020]
8. Borys Filonenko, Louvre. Volodymyr Kostyrko, Yevhen Ravskyi, (Kyiv: Art Book, 2017), 208 (Борис Філоненко, Лувр. Володимир Костирко, Євген Равський, (Київ: Артбук, 2017), 208 )
9. Borys Filonenko, "The Truth of Art Is Fiction", Ya Gallery, 2017 (Борис Філоненко, "Правдою мистецтва є фікція", Я Галерея, 2017) [accessed 11.11.2020]
10. Volodymyr Kostyrko on the МІТЄЦ Web-Site [accessed 11.11.2020]
11. Volodymyr Kostyrko on ArtLvivOnline [accessed 11.11.2020]
12. Volodymyr Kostyrko on the Ya Gallery. Pavlo Hudimov Art Center Web-Site [accessed 11.11.2020]
Anastasiia Marusiy
Edited by Bohdan Shumylovych and Olha Zarechnyuk
Created with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation