Prosp. Svobody, 15 – Etnography Museum (former Galician Saving's Bank building)
Leonard Marconi
Leonard Marconi was a sculptor and building decorator, professor at the Higher Technical School in Lviv.
Godzimir Małachowski
Polish lawyer, politician, Deputy of Halychyna Parliament and the Austrian Parliament, President of Lviv (1896-1905).
- Władysław Stesłowicz – Polish politician, public figure, economist. Government commisioner of Lviv in 1918-1919.
Andrij Bojarov
Media artist, researcher of Lviv and Ukrainian avant-garde, independent curator, architect. For the most part, he lives and works between Ukraine, Poland and Estonia.
Olena Turyanska
An artist, author of paper cut art, installations, objects, and artbooks, an interior designer. Lives and works in Lviv.
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