
Vul. Kotlyarevskoho, 04 – residential building

ID: 527
A single-family building–villa (1890- 1891, co-designed by Julian Zachariewicz and Ivan Levynskyi). The building is a part of an architectural ensemble of the north-eastern section of Kastelivka district which consists entirely of villas. The building was designed as a free standing house surrounded by a garden. It has a symmetrical floor plan, a high tent-shaped roof with carved consoles was once an integral part of the building’s architecture. The villa was reconstructed in the second half of the twentieth century. The elements of authentic ceramic decor have been preserved on the facades.

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  1. Справа з будівництва будинку на вул. Котляревського, № 4 – Державний архів Львівської області (ДАЛО), ф. 2, оп. 1, спр. 5230.
  2. Архітектура Львова: Час і стилі ХІІІ – ХХІ ст. / За ред. Ю. Бірюльова. – Львів: Центр Європи, 2008. – С. 353-354.
  3. Лінда С. Кастелівка: народно-романтичні тенденції у розвитку архітектури львівського історизму // Народознавчі зошити. – 2000. – Зошит 2. – С. 277.

Material compiled by Ihor Zhuk