Pl. Muzeina, 3 – church of the Blessed Eucharist (former Dominican convent church)
Church façade with an interrupted pediment is adorned with two columns on socle flanking the central entrance. The cupola drum is also decorated with columns. The windows are rectangular, in molding. The pediment is decorated with statues of saints (by the sculptor S. Fesinger).
The interior encompasses wooden sculptures set up under the cupola (the second half of the eighteenth century), altar plastics by M. Polejowski (1777) and stone and alabaster tomb stones of the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries from the old church. Special attention should be paid to the marble epitaph made by B. Torvaldsen (dating to 1816), the monument to A. Grotger (by the sculptor W. Gadomski, dating to 1880) and memorial plastics by A. Schimser (the first third of the nineteenth century).
The Lviv’s Dominican Church of the Lord’s Body is one of the best late Baroque architectural monuments in Europe.
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- Mieczysław Potocki
By Ihor Zhuk
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