Vul. Tuhan-Baravovskoho, 14 – residential building
The residential townhouse on Tuhan-Baranovskoho street 14 was built in 1888 in the Historicist style under a project designed by Ivan Levynskyi (Jan Lewiński). The plot with a palace built in the 18th c. was owned by the family of Młocki. According to the resolution of the Lviv Regional Executive Committee number 381 dated 5 July 1985 the townhouse was entered in the local register of monuments under protection number 383.
The house is located on a plot which can be accessed via a dead-end branch of Tuhan-Baranovskoho (earlier Sakramentok) street. It is constructed in Historicist style with some Neo-Baroque elements. The three-storied house is based on a rectangular plan with service stairs in a small wing adjacent from the west; it is built of brick and plastered and has a double-pitch slate roof.
The main façade composition is symmetric; the main axis is emphasized by the entrance and a balcony on the third floor. The exterior architectural design was made more expressive due to order elements. The façade is flanked by two lateral avant-corpses, accentuated by lucarnes in the roof and by balconies on moulded corbels having forged lattices with Neo-Baroque patterns on the second floor. The lower tier is covered with board rustication. The windows are decorated with triangular and segmental pediments and with Neo-Baroque trimmings having keystones. The façade is topped with a cornice consisting of rows of dentils and eggs-and-darts and leaning on consoles decorated with acanthus leaves. The façades overlooking the courtyard are connected by galleries and have no decorative elements.
The townhouse has a sectional planning structure. The staircase has stone stairs and metal fencing with stylized floral ornaments. The lobby is bridged with a three-centered arch ceiling; its walls are decorated with pilasters having simple capitals. There are stone stairs in the doorway; the landing floors are made of artificial stone, with a floral ornament in the vestibule. Wooden beams are used in the bridging.
The townhouse is an example of a residential building in Historicist style, with some Secession elements.Personalities
Franciszek and Sabina Młocki – a Lviv count family, the owners of the plot with the palace.
Wanda Korytowska, née Młocka – the owner of the plot with the palace and of the residential townhouse.
Rohatyn – a Jewish
family who owned the townhouse from 1904.
Markus Rohatyn – the
owner who had the house reconstructed and bathrooms arranged.
Marek Fränkel – an
architect who designed a project of the townhouse reconstruction.
- State Archive of Lviv Oblast (DALO), 2/3/864
- Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (CDIAL), 186/8/829
- Б. Мельник, Довідник перейменувань вулиць і площ Львова (Львів: Видавництво Світ, 2001).