
Vul. Zdorovia, 9 – former "Zdorovia" Factory

ID: 538
The small building of former “Zdorovia” factory of mineral waters and soft drinks (the 1900’s-early 1910’s; the main reconstruction was completed in 1909-1910; today's address Zdorovia 9) is located in the depth of the parcel. The two-story house is rectangular in its floor layout, with a projection of a risalit on the left side. A machinery hall and administration premises were located on the first floor; a chemical laboratory was on the second floor. Presently the building is used for administrative purposes (2009).

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  1. Cправа з будівництва будинку на вул. Здоров’я, № 9 – Державний архів Львівської області (ДАЛО), ф. 2, оп. 1, спр. 4055.
  2. Мельник І. Львівські вулиці і кам’яниці, мури, закамарки, передмістя та інші особливості королівського столичного міста Галичини. – Львів: Центр Європи, 2008. – С. 109.

Material compiled by Ihor Zhuk