Vul. Lesi Ukrainky, 14 – residential building
This four-story residential stone house, which was built in the late seventeenth century, is an element of the former Armenian quarter housing. The house is a part of the old Armenian vicar’s residence; an Armenian “pious” bank named Mons Pius was situated there till 1940. Now this is an architectural and urban planning monument of national significance under protection number 1289. A restaurant with a museum exposition dedicated to the Armenians of Lviv and restaurant business has been opened in the ground floor premises of the house.
The building on Lesi Ukrainky 14 (modern address) is a part of the former Armenian quarter in Lviv. It is situated to the north east of the cathedral and is one of the three buildings (numbers 10, 12 and 14) facing Lesi Ukrainky street and Virmensky lane. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries all this buildings belonged to the Armenian community.
This elongated from the north to the south building has four stories and basements; it is made of brick, white stone masonry is also used here and there. A tiny well yard is located in the middle.
The building is a row one in residential housing. It has preserved its Renaissance structure and consists of two houses, the main one and the back one. The former has the main façade facing Lesi Ukrainky street; the northern part of the High wall stood very close to this façade. The latter’s façade faces the yard which borders Virmensky lane. It can be called the “back” one rather conditionally as lanes from Virmenska street, which is the main artery of the Armenian quarter, lead straight to it. Now the Mons Pius restaurant halls are located in the ground floor premises of the “back” house.
A broad arch white stone entrance portal leads to the house premises from Lesi Ukrainky street. A semicircular lunette vault has been preserved in the passage. Double-chamber premises covered with a barrel vault are situated nearby. An entrance to a staircase leading to the upper floors leads from the yard facing Virmensky lane located behind the house number 12. The staircase was constructed in the late nineteenth century. The façade facing Lesi Ukrainky street is plastered; it has no architectural décor. The first two stories windows are lined with stone while the upper stories windows are brick-lined, the fact indicating that the upper tiers were added later. In the center of the second floor there is a blind niche crowned with an arch. The façade is crowned with a shaped cornice.
A narrow paved passage leads from the lane between the houses number 7 and 9 to an arch with an inscription reading “Mons Pius”. The arch opens an entrance to a yard which is situated in front of the house and was arranged in the place of a former graveyard. The yard is encircled with a wall split by semicircular arches with pylons. Now it serves as a summer café area. The second entrance to the yard is through an arch from Virmensky lane. The southern façade of the building is rather modest; it is divided horizontally by bars, has four axes and wide window framings. A decorated with white stone plates entrance to the basements is situated to the right. An entrance to the café halls, which are linked between themselves by Renaissance portals and bridged with semicircular lunette vaults, can be seen to the left. The largest hall, which can be entered through a white stone portal, is located in the western part of the café. This hall, which once served as the main one in the bank, occupies the ground floor of the third, western volume of the complex.
The western volume, which was constructed in the place of a previous house in the eighteenth century, contains in its stonework some elements of the old housing. Among them, a gravestone in the lower part of the building’s southern butt and the ground floor windows framings. The building is rectangular and multiple-storied. The western volume has two stories and basement premises. The eastern volume, which faces a little yard common with the house number 12, has three stories and a crowning in the shape of a tower. It was there that the main entrance to the bank (or, in the second half of the twentieth century, to the artistic restoration workshops) was situated. To the left from the tower, one can see an entrance to the ground floor premises of the former mortgage fund. The upper tier of the former bank building is connected with the building of the old Armenian Benedictine nuns’ convent. This superstructure with a passage arch below was constructed in 1779 as the date over the southern side of the arch opening indicates. The main space of the ground floor is occupied by a spacious hall with a bridging made of wooden beams.
Among the rarities that are preserved in the interior, there is the Mons Pius stained glass window made in Warsaw at a firm owned by F. Białkowski in 1927 under a Jan-Henryk Rosen’s project. This is one of the stained glass windows which decorated the Armenian cathedral windows before 1945. It was restored by V. Symonian in 2010. In the yard, there is a metal gravestone of one of the last directors of the bank, Jan Mardyrosiewicz, a canon. In the interior of the building some furniture made in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is used as well as some household art items used as exhibits. On the last hall walls one can see portraits of well-known figures of Armenian origin, and also those of other Lviv citizens who were customers of the Mons Pius bank, such as Julian Zachariewicz, Karol Mikuli, L. Pininski, S. Szymonowicz, A. Pstrokronska, P. Grygorowicz, Ignacy Łukasiewicz, Dawid Abrahamowicz, Teodor Torosewicz, Jan Mardyrosiewicz et al. The author of the portraits and of the interior general design is Volodymyr Kostyrko. Busts of some prominent Armenian figures of Lviv are placed near the arch pylons in the yard.
Gruneweg, Martin (pol. Marcin) (1562 - after 1615) – a merchant, traveller, later Dominican monk, author of descriptions of Lviv, Warsaw, Kiev, Moscow and a lot of other European towns.
Hunanian, Wartan (1644-1715) – an Armenian Catholic priest who was born in West Armenia and lived in Lviv from 1665; in 1675 he became the bishop of the Armenian diocese of Lviv and induced the Magistrate to extend the territory belonging to the Armenian Catholic Church. The Armenian Catholic archbishop of Lviv from 1681.
Karmataniants, Hovhanes (Iwan Muratowicz, Iwan (Jan) Keremowicz, Iwan (Jan) Karmatents) (c. 1590-1624)– the Armenian printing pioneer in Lviv.
Kostyrko, Volodymyr (b. 1967) – an artist, designer, art historian, author of the interior design in a few Lviv cafés.
Mardyrosiewicz, Jan (1858-1926) – the Mons Pius bank director, canon, entrepreneur, inventor.
Torosowicz, Mikołaj (1605-1681) – the Armenian Apostolic Church archbishop who accepted the union with Rome in 1630; the first church mortgage bank was organized under his patronage in 1666.
1. Державний архів Львівської області (ДАЛО) 2/1/7152:10, 18, 55.
2. Науково-технічний архів ДП “Інститут “Укрзахідпроектреставрація”, №Л-139-3.
3. Центральний державний історичний архів України у Львові (ЦДІАЛ) 52/1/812.
4. Bohdan Janusz, “Mons
Pius” Ormian lwowskich, T. XXVI (Lwów, 1928).
5. Jurij Smirnow, Katedra
ormiańska we Lwowie. Dzieje archidiecezji ormiańskiej lwowskiej (Lwów, 2002).
6. Martin Gruneweg (1562 – nach 1615). Ein europäischer Lebensweg (Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009), 648-649.
7. Мирон Капраль, Національні громади Львова XVI–XVIII ст. (Соціально-правові
взаємини) (Львів: Піраміда, 2003), Карта 1.
8. Памятники градостроительства и архитектуры УССР, Т. 3 (Киев: Будівельник,
1985), 30.
9. Юрій Смірнов, Mons Pius. Історія і сучасність (Львів, 2013).
10. Ярослав Дашкевич, Вірменське друкарство на Україні (До
350-річчя виходу першої в світі вірменської друкованої книги на Україні),
“Український історичний журнал”, 1966, №12, 132-134.
11. Ярослав Ісаєвич, Найдавніший історичний опис
Львова, “Жовтень”, 1980, №10, 105-114.
Edited by Olha Zarechnyuk and Yulia Pavlyshyn