Pl. Kropyvnytskoho, 1 – The SS. Olha and Elizabeth (former St. Elizabeth) church
A Neo-Gothic church, noted for its high towers and pointed spires, is one of Lviv's trademarks. It was designed by architect Teodor Talowski. Well-known architects, sculptors and painters took part in the construction of this church. According to the resolution of the Lviv regional executive committee number 130 dated 26 February 1980, the church was entered into the local register of monuments under protection number 146. In 1991 the church was handed over to the local Greek Catholic community.
The church is constructed in the Neo-Gothic style; it is noted for its high towers with spires, big lancet windows with tracery, pinnacles and rosette windows that are typical for the Gothic. It is built of brick on stone foundations, white stone details used as well as those made of Roman cement. The overall dimensions of the church are 70.75x32.6 m; it is 24.65 m high under the crest of the roof; the towers of the western façade are 48.4 m high; the main tower is 71.5 m high.
The church is a three-nave basilica with a transept, a chancel and a narthex. The chancel has two parts; it is ends with a semicircular apse and encircled with a gallery, semicircular sacristies adjoining it on both sides. The narthex is flanked with towers which are rectangular in plan. The walls are enforced with buttresses which are crowned with finials having crockets and crucifers on them. A 85-meter-high pointed three-tier tower, with a clock (has been lost) and a statue of St. Elizabeth on its north-western side, adjoins the transept from the north.
The masonry on the façades is open; the socle and corners are accentuated by white stone blocks. Some constructive elements in the interior are also made of stone. The main, western façade is divided into three parts including two high towers. The towers are finished with steep spires and are crowned with crosses. The central part of the façade includes a perspective portal; a big rose window with tracery and is terminated by a gable. The portal is decorated by columns with ornamental capitals with chestnut leaves and nuts. The gable is decorated with pinnacles and a monumental composition “The Crucifixion with by-standers” made by sculptor Petro Viytovych.
The big lancet and rosette windows on the main façade and in the transepts are decorated with tracery in the form of trefoil, quatrefoil, sexfoil and “fish bladder”. The towers are decorated with pinnacles having crockets and crucifers on them, with access balconies having delicate stone parapets decorated with tracery made on the flame-like shape derived from the flamboyant style.
The church interior is open in depth. The nave is bridged with a stellar vault; the aisles are have cross vaults and the chancel with a cloister vault. All the vaults are ribbed. The nave and the aisles are divided by columns made in the form of bunches of colonnettes with capitals decorated with chestnut leaves. There are lancet arches with shaped archivoltes between the columns. A wide choir gallery leaning on four columns is arranged by the western wall over the narthex (the organ has been lost); there are four little red marble columns between these columns. White marble aspersoriums are made on the columns. There were sculptures of Christ and the Mother of God on the cornices of the pillars from the side of the nave; now one can see relief depictions of angels with trumpets instead of them. The choir gallery has a wooden parapet enlivened by a rhythm of arches with tracery; it can be accessed via metal winding stairs in the towers. The interior appearance is dominated by the main altar made of marble.
The church is one of the most majestic churches of Lviv.
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Bilczewski – the archbishop who laid the corner stone with the foundation act.
Dominik&Wacław Biernacki – the owners of the company that made the organ.
Elisabeth of Bavaria (Sisi), Habsburg – the wife of the Emperor Franz Josef I, the Empress of Austria.
Felczynski – the owners of a company that produced bells.
Feliks Gretchel – the owner of a workshop which produced glass fillings and frames for windows.
Franciszek Brzozowicz – the owner of the company which covered the church roofs.
Franz Josef I – an emperor of the Austrian Empire.
Jadwiga Gorodyska – an architect.
Jan Noworyta – a constructor who conducted the construction of the church.
Janina Reichert-Toth (1895–1986) – a sculptor, a graduate of the Lviv Artistic and Industrial School and Cracow Academy of Arts.
Józef Szostakiewich – an architect and co-author of the marble altar.
Julian Zachariewicz – an architect.
Karol Richtman – an engineer whose company conducted the construction of the church.
Kazimierz Sichulski – a painter.
L. Repichowski – a sculptor.
Ludomil Gyurkovich (1899–1980) – an architect and co-author of the marble altar.
Mykhailo Fedoriv – a parish priest of the SS. Olha and Elizabeth church from 1991.
Tadeusz Błotnicki (1858–1928) – a sculptor.
Teodor Talowski – an architect, professor of Lviv Polytechnic, the author of the church project.
Valeriy Shalenko – a painter and stained glass windows master who made the stained glass windows in the sanctuary.
Wawrzyniec Dajczak – an architect.
Yakiv Mykhaniv – a master from Demnia, a village not far from Mykolaiv on the Dniester, who managed producing stone windows filling with tracery.
Zieliński – the owners of a company that produced stained glass windows.
1. State Archive of Lviv Oblast (DALO). Item #2/4/1221.
2. “Architekt”, Nr 4, (Kraków,
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4. Konkurs na kościół św. Elżbiety we Lwowie, “Architekt”, 1903, N4.
5. Konkurs na kościół św. Elżbiety we Lwowie, “Ilustracja polska”, 1903, N14.
6. Konkurs na kościół św. Elżbiety, “Tygodnik ilustrowany”, 1904, N43.
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ilustrowany”, 1911, N44.
10. Nowy koścół we Lwowie, “Besiada
literacka”, 1911, N46.
11. Talowski Teodor, “Sztuka”,
1911, Z. 1.
12. Koścóły i klasztory
Lwowa z wieków XIX i XX, Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach
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2005, Ч. 15, 170-173.
15. Галімурка І., Храм Свв.
Ольги і Єлизавети у Львові (Львів, 2011).
16. Глембоцька Г., Костел
Св. Ельжбети – Церква княгині Ольги – Св. Єлизавети. Легенди і реальність,
“Галицька брама”, 1996, №14, 18-19.
17. Історія українського
мистецтва, Т. 4, Ч. 2 (Київ, 1970).
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