Vul. Snopkivska, 47 – Lviv Ivana Trusha College of Decorative and Applied Arts
Vlodko (Volodymyr) Kaufmann
An artist, graphic artist, painter, performer, curator. Since 1974, he has lived and worked in Lviv.
Vlodko (Volodymyr) Kostyrko
An artist, art critic, curator, art collector, and interior designer. Author of paintings, graphic art, collages, assemblages, installations, environments, and street art. Lives and works in Lviv.
Ihor Podolchak
An artist, film director, scriptwriter, producer, and curator. Author of graphic art, video art, installations, performances, action art. A member of the Ukrainian Film Academy. Presently, he lives and works in Kyiv, Lviv, and Lodz.
Antonina Denisiuc
Artist, curator, author of paintings, and performances. Lives and works in between Lviv, Berlin, and Zurich.
Olena Turyanska
An artist, author of paper cut art, installations, objects, and artbooks, an interior designer. Lives and works in Lviv.
Serhiy Yakunin
A artist who works in the genres of installation, sculpture, video, and landart. Lives and works in Lviv.
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Львівський державний технікум залізничного транспорту
Львівський державний технікум залізничного транспорту
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Будинок на вул. Снопкіській, 47