
Pl. Rynok, 05 – former Hanlivska/Hanlowska house

ID: 139
Residential building, presently a building of the Lviv History Museum. The building dates to the end of the sixteenth century (by the architect Petro Krasowski), some parts were added in the seventeenth century and in the nineteenth century it was significantly reconstructed. The character of its architecture is a result of the Renaissance building’s reconstruction introducing Neoclassicist forms.

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The building was built on the eastern side of Rynok Square and has an elongated configuration. It is a four-story brick building with a façade of hewn stone on the first floor and a plastered façade on the upper floors.

The Neoclassicist facade of the building is the result of reconstruction work done in the nineteenth century. The original Renaissance décor was lost during rebuilding efforts. The façade wall is divided by wide pilasters along the entire height of the second-fourth floors. A balcony is located in the center of the second floor. Rectangular windows (three on each floor) have modest profiled frames.


The entry was developed within the project "Galiciana", 2001-2002