
Vul. Pekarska, 59 – former Gate building of the Resurrectionist Congregation monastery

ID: 2445

The so-called gate building connecting the buildings of the Resurrectionist monastery and of the "Ruthenian boarding school" was built under a project designed by architect Albin Zagórski in 1897. Today its premises are owned by the religious community of the Ukrainian Christian Mission of Mercy Revival.


Albin Zagórski designed the project of the gate building in July of 1897, when all monastery buildings were already completed. The author developed two projects, including an alternative one. The architect  attached great importance to the patterns of the fence, gate and the ground floor window openings where he used some Baroque motifs. The project was implemented with minor changes.

The building has not been reconstructed in the following years. Only the passage fence has been replaced and has geometric patterns from the first years of the 21st c.


One of the components of the former Resurrectionist (Zmartwychwstańców) monastery buildings, the final element in shaping the architectural complex. It connects the church and the seminary building with the former "Ruthenian boarding school" building and forms an important compositional part of the ensemble. There is a small asphalted area in front of the gate, beyond the outer fence enclosing the passage.

The two-tiered building is constructed of brick and plastered. The arched passage opening is located on the central axis. The premises are arranged according to the enfilade principle. Some clear signs of the Neo-Renaissance style can be seen in the southern façade’s exterior design. The vertical pilaster division is interrupted by broad horizontal lines of bars laid between the floors and of an attic parapet. The upper tier’s rectangular windows have trimmings and are paired above the passage arch. On the both sides of the arch in the lower tier, there are smaller pairs of windows located one above the other. The passage arch is accentuated by an archivolt with a keystone in the middle. The passage is barred by a delicate metal fence. The rear northern façade composition imitates the front façade design in a simplified form. As a separate architectural unit, the building is one of the ensemble’s key elements, a most successful one in view of its formal solution.

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Albin Zagórski (1846-1910) – an architect who designed architectural projects in Lviv and other areas of Galicia.


  1. State Archive of Lviv Oblast (DALO), 2/2/2324.
  2. Betlej A., Kościół p. w. Zmartwychwstania Jezusa Chrystusa oraz klasztor, seminarium i "Internat Ruski" ks. Zmartwychwstańców, Kościoły i klasztory Lwowa z wieków XIX i XX. Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wshodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, Cz. I Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa Ruskiego, T. 12 (Kraków, 2004), 112-113.

Material compiled by Ihor Syomochkin