
Pl. Anheliv – monument to Stanislaw Jablonowski (does not exist)

ID: 99

The monument to the crown hetman, a Lviv citizen and defendant of Lviv from the Tatars in 1695, was the oldest secular monument in the city. It was installed in 1752-1754. Probably, its author was the sculptor Sebastian Fesinger. Originally, it stood on the square near the Jesuit college, but it has changed its location twice and disappeared under unknown circumstances after WW2.


Installed in 1752-1754, this monument was the first in Lviv to honor a secular person. It is believed that it was installed by grateful Lviv citizens: the crown hetman Stanisław Jabłonowski successfully managed the defense of the city from the Tatar army in 1695. The probable author of the baroque statue was Sebastian Fesinger, a famous sculptor (Biriulow, 2007, 14-15).

At first, the monument was set up near the Jesuit church, on what is now pl. Yavorskoho. It is due to the fact that Jabłonowski had been a sponsor of the Jesuit Order and was thus buried in the crypt of their church in 1702. After the Austrian rule was established here in 1772 and, in particular, after the rearrangement of the Jesuit monastery building into a court, the monument was removed, and nothing was known about the statue for a long time. Around 1857, Hipolit Stupnicki, a journalist and an expert in local history, found it and initiated its restoration. After the restoration (approx. 1859) the monument was installed on the central Lviv promenade, the place of the former defensive walls. As a result, the street, named after the Austrian Archduke Karl Ludwig (ger. Karl Ludwig Strasse / pol. ulica Karla Ludwika), became known as Wały Hetmańskie (Hetman's Ramparts).

In 1932 the monument was transferred to its previous place, the present-day pl. Yavorskoho. Thus, plac Trybunalski was renamed into plac Jabłonowskiego. After WW2, the monument disappeared under unknown circumstances. In 1980 a memorial sign, in honor of the underground organization "Ivan Franko People's Guard," which operated in 1942-1944, was installed on this square. It was removed in the early 1990s. The territory of this square today is mostly occupied by café terraces during summers. 

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The monument was made of white stone in Baroque style. The statue of Jabłonowski of a man's height stood on a pedestal with inscriptions on its sides, and a coat of arms on its rear. The Hetman was depicted in ceremonial armor and mantle, with a mace (the Hetman's attribute) in his right hand and with his left hand holding his mantle. When the monument was located on the Hetman Ramparts, it was surrounded by a Neo-Gothic cast metal fence.

On a photo of the monument made in the 1860s-1870s, when there was no building of the Industrial Museum (now the National Museum on prosp. Svobody,20), a mid-19th century Neoclassicist housing can be seen behind the monument: the previous building on prosp. Svobody,22, as well as two buildings which have not been preserved. Today, their place is occupied by the so-called Vernissage.

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The Prospect Svobody Promenade (formerly the Hetman Ramparts)

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Sebastian Fessinger — Lviv sculptor of German descent in the 18th century


1. "Zrestaurowany pomnik Hetmana Jabłonowskiego", Dziennik literacki, 1860, nr 38, s. 303-304
2. Przegląd polityczny powszechny, 16/5/1860, nr 39
3. Postęp, 1860, nr 1, s. 14-16
4. "Stanisław Jabłonowski, hetman wielki koronny", Przyjaciel Domowy, 9 28/02/1857, s.68-69
5. Stanisław Kunasiewicz, Przechadzki archeologiczne po Lwowie, Z. 1. (Lwów, Drukarnia Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich, 1874), s. 12-14
6. Jurij Biriulow, "Klasycyzm w rzeźbie lwowskiej XVIII i 1. połowy XIX w.", Rzeźba lwowska, (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Neriton, 2007), s. 14-15
7. Jurij Biriulow, "Nurt romantyczny w rzeźbie lwowskiej (1850-1870)", Rzeźba lwowska, (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Neriton, 2007), s. 63
8. Markian Prokopovych, Habsburg Lemberg: Architecture, Public Space, and Politics in the Galician Capital, 1772-1914, (West Lafayette, Indiana; Purdue University Press, 2008),  pp.90-91
9. Ігор Мельник, Роман Масик, Пам'ятники та меморіальні таблиці міста Львова, (Львів: Центр Європи, 2012), с. 44-45, 100-101

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