Vul. Konovaltsia, 21 – an abandoned house
Joanna Lorenz's villa, designed by Władysław Rausz, was built in 1898-1899. The Historicist-style building with neo-baroque elements features a wooden veranda typical of suburban houses. Its further history (until 1939) is associated with the Dairy Union. Neglected and threatened with demolition, it is one of the few examples of the old buildings of the so-called Franzówka neighborhood today.
This single-story Historicist-style house with some elements of Neo-Baroque and a wooden veranda on the main façade has a full-fledged ground floor, high basements and an attic; it is square in plan, built of brick, plastered and covered with a gabled tin roof. The main façade is formed by two parts of different heights and widths. The wooden veranda is attached to the full width of the three-axis part, accentuated by three round attic windows. The protruding two-axis part is accentuated by a gabled attic and a semicircular niche for a sculpture between semicircular windows. Window openings are decorated with profiled Neo-Baroque trimmings, the ground floor window have segmental and rectangular trimmings with "ears." The window trimmings on the lateral façade are decorated with keystones.
The interior features a wooden staircase. The room in the basement, which was intended for a laundry, is covered with a vault on metal channels, the ground floor and the attic are covered with flat wooden ceilings.
Kazimierz Załeski — director of the regional Railway Bureau, co-owner of the villa from 1900
Jan Iżycki — court clerk who rented a room in the villa
Krzyżanowski — magistrate's contruction department employee
Joanna Lorenz — the original owner of the villa
Jan Noworyta — engineer and architect in Lviv, known for designing mostly rental houses in the interwar period, he designed the Dairy Union building here
Wladyslaw Rausz — architect who designed the original villa
Paweł Rehorowski — engineer specialising in reinforced concrete construction, he designed the Dairy Union's factory here
Karol Sewrowski — representative of the Dairy Union in Rudki
Jόzef Stocka — a trader who rented a room in the villa
Franz (brothers) — family who owned gypsum quarries in the vicinity, who gave the name to the neighborhood
- State Archive of Lviv Oblast (DALO), 2/2/572
- Księga adresowa królewskiego stołecznego miasta Lwowa (Lemberg, 1913)
- Księga adresowa Małopołski (Lwów. Stanisławów. Tarnopól, 1935–1936)
- Lwowskie Wiadomości Кatolickie, N1, 1939, s. 14
- Skorowidz królewskiego stołecznego miasta Lwowa (Lemberg, 1910)
- Skorowidz królewskiego stołecznego miasta Lwowa (Lemberg, 1916)
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