Pl. Koliyivshchyny, 1 – residential building
The four-storied corner residential townhouse (conscription number 259) on the Koliyivshchyny square and Staroyevreyska street was built in the late 18th century on the foundations and cellars of two Renaissance townhouses, Korkesivska and that of Itsko Brotsky. It retains features of the nutzbau style and Art Nouveau stylistic elements from the time of a reconstruction in 1912. The building is listed in the Register of monuments of local significance under protection number 940. Since 2010 it has been a private property of Olena Bilichenko; a coffee house called Medelin is arranged on the ground floor.
The corner townhouse's north façade overlooks Staroyevreyska street, its west façade faces the Koliyivshchyny square. The four-storied house is rectangular in plan; it is built of bricks on stone foundations, plastered, and covered with a high tin roof. In the cellars and on the ground floor the brickwork of two previous townhouses has been preserved. The building's monumental block dominates over the surrounding three-storied buildings. The three-axis north façade and the five-axis west façade are accentuated by gables with narrow roof windows. The ground floor of the both façades is emphasized by banded rustication. A characteristic feature of the main west façade composition design is the central plane with decorative elements and the reconstruction date, an ornamental frieze between the upper floor windows, a heraldic shield, ceramic tiles below the windows, which clearly stand out against the lapidary background. The entrance to the townhouse is located on a window axis shifted to the north. The west façade plasticity is notable for its vertical segmentation. The window openings in rectangular trimmings have pediments in the shape of cartouches on the third floor and with Neo-Classicist garlands on the second floor. The façades are topped with an overhanging cornice.
The building's layout has a sectional structure; apartments are located around a narrow staircase illuminated by a skylight. The flat ceilings are supported by wooden beams, which were covered with ornamental paintings in the 19th century (some fragments have survived). Secession-style tile stoves have been preserved in the rooms.
The architectural design of the townhouse combines 18th century structural elements with stylistic elements of the Historicism and Art Nouveau.
Hermann Stein – an owner of the building from the 1920s
Іzaak Grеbel – an owner of the building who commissioned its reconstruction in 1912
Itsko Brotski – an owner of the older building, where a part of present one was constructed later in 18th c.
Leon Sсhorr – an accountant
Lifsze Grebel – an owner of the building in 1902
Mina Grebel – a co-owner of the building in 1916
Olena Bilichenko – an owner of the building from 2010, who commissioned a reconstruction of the building and its authentic elements from 19th and 20th centuries
Samuel Neuwelt – an owner of the building in 1871
Jakób Scheller – architect who examined the house in 1911–1912
- Державний архів Львівської області (ДАЛО) 2/2/3840.
- Центральний державний історичний архів України у Львові (ЦДІАЛ) 186/8/629.
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