
Vul. Klyonovycha, 5 – residential building

ID: 81

A residential corner building on the perimeter construction of the street that was constructed in the Historicist style with neobaroque facade features in 1898. The project on the construction of this three-story rental building was realized by the architect Andrzej Gołąb for the building’s owner Mojżesz Oberhard; it was approved by the magistrate in 1898. In the 1930’s the building belonged to Hermina Diamant, and later to the city municipalyty. Presently it is used for residential purposes (2009).


      The project for the construction of a three-story rental building on ground parcel 6415/1 and 6415/2 at 5 Klionovycha Street (conscription number 832 4/4) was completed by the architect Andrzej Gołąb for the building’s owner Mojżesz Oberhard and approved by the magistrate on 4 April 1898. On 16 May 1914 the magistrate informed Hermina Diamandova of the Lazaruses, the owner of the building located on the corner of 5 Klionovycha Street and 11 Milkovskogo Street (presently Hulaka-Artemovskoho Street), about assigning the new conscription number 832 4/4 to her property; on 18 May 1914 he submitted a request to the State Court of Lviv to introduce a corresponding record to the official records. On 5 June 1914 this change was made. In the 1930’s the building belonged to the city municipality.


This residential corner building located in the perimeter construction of the street was created in the Revival style with Neo-Baroque features. The plastered brick building has three floors, a complex floor layout and a rear extension. The composition of the main façades is asymmetric with buttressed side sections and is accentuated with a rounded corner on the street intersection, which is topped off with an attic with Neo-Baroque cupola on the level of the roof. Lucarnes are located on both sides of the attic. The attic is adorned with decorative molding in the shape of garlands. The first and second floors as well as the corner part of the building are emphasized with decorative horizontal rustication. The walls of the third floor of the building’s buttressed sections are vertically segmented by Ionic pilasters. A balcony with metallic fencing on molded shaped corbels projects out on the level of the second floor of the building’s corner. The balcony door is crowned with a segmented cornice. The windows of the building are decorated with profiled framings. On the first floor the window framings are capped with keystones; on the second floor they have a similar decoration and are topped off with triangular window cornices; on the third floor the windows are adorned with linear window cornices. The building is finished off with a profiled cornice with a number of decorative corbels, denticles and an Ionic belt.

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Diamand, Hermina z Łazarusów – the building's owner (1910s - 1930s) 

Gołąb, Andrzej – architect who designed the building

Oberhard, Mojżesz – the building's owner in late ХІХ century


1. ДАЛО 2/1/4803.
2. Wykaz domów na obszarze miasta Lwowa. Księga adresowa Małopołski. (Lwów. Stanisławów. Tarnopól. Rocznik 1935/1936)
3. Skorowidz adresowy król. stol. m. Lwowa. (Lwów, 1916)
4. F. Jaglarz. Skorowidz adresowy król. stol.m. Lwowa. (Lwów, 1920)

Material compiled by Khrystyna Kharchuk and Iryna Kotlobulatova