Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 124 – Jam Factory Art Center
The neogothic building is a monument of local significance (No.1577-M), previously a part of the complex of the factories "Józef Kronik"/ "Kronik i Syn" / Jam Factory. Harald Binder Cultural Enterprises, its current owner from 2015 is reconstructing the complex into a contemporary art center. Herbert Pasterk is the director of the design and construction.
The former “Józef Kronik” / “Kronik i Syn” factory is located in the northeastern suburbs of Lviv, next to the place where the historic boundary between Lviv and Znesinnia village used to be, marked by the customs post (rogatka żółkiewska). The factory is a complex of buildings. There are three located along the street, two of which exhibit neogothic design and have the status of architectural monuments of local significance. Those two, including a tower are quite outstanding in the whole surroundings of historic Znesinnia and Pidzamche areas.
The exact origin of this design remains unknown. Architect and restorer Roman Mohytych argues that this architecture is in line with the architectural practices common in the 1870s in Galicia and thus its construction can be dated to this period (Могитич, 2016). However, there is no doubt that the neogothic features came as a result of a reconstruction, rather than a new construction. The two-storey building along Khmelnytskoho street has been recorded by the first cadaster plan of Znesinnia in 1850, and the one along Mekhanichna street (the one comprising the tower) is present in the workbook of cadaster amendments of 1872. The third building, adjacent from the northeast, is the latest of the three.
Researcher Olha Zarechnyuk suggested that the neogothic style did not appear here before 1907/1908. She relies on the analysis of photographs of Znesinnia and Pidzamche, particularly, the one taken by Franciszek Rychnowski in 1894 near the Baczewski factory (Котлобулатова, 2008, 74), and another one from the mound of Union of Lublin, dating back to no later than 1907 and neither of the images show any trace of tower or neogothic design (Zarechnyuk, 2018). In 1908, there was a fire on the territory of the factory (Kurjer Lwowski, 1908, Nr. 10, s. 3), therefore, the additional structure and style may have appeared during the subsequent reconstruction.
A neogothic arcature with consoles and segmental arches as well as decorative battlements crown the facades from the side of the street, uniting thus two buildings into a whole. There are also corner spires resembling observation turrets composed within the battlements. Two of them are placed on the top of the tower, one on the two-story house. They are covered by zinc sheet metal while the merlons of the battlements are covered by red ceramic tiles. A gate is arranged between two buildings. All these elements are there to evoke the image of medieval fortifications.
The tower has an asymmetrical silhouette formed with elements of different height. The first floor windows and doors are semicircular with rusticated archivolts. On the second floor there are pointed arch biforia with semi-columns. There is a small terrace on the level of the third floor, it is fenced with a battlement. On the same level, from the side of the street, there is a balcony with a wrought iron fence (Могитич, 2016). The windows of the third and fourth floor are placed within pointed arched niches. There are semicircular windows on the third floor and pointed on the fourth, arranged into triforia with round lunettes above them. The tower is topped with the same arcature and battlements, supplied with stylized arrowslits below.
The gate has a semicircular opening, with a gable above it. A little niche is provided on the gable intended for a mural. The original doors are long gone, and the opening shows that it has been widened since, as part of the trimmings are damaged. Now it is only to be concluded that the original doors must have been wrought metal, its shapes having something in common with the balcony fence on the tower.
The whole architectural and spatial composition of the complex is oriented towards viewing it from the northeastern side, from the entrance point to Lviv. The building and the tower have blind walls from the side of the city, from the southwest. It can be explained by the "parcelling rules": the wall located at the boundary between two real estates must have no apertures so it can be blocked with a neighboring building at any time. Roman Mohytych suggests that Josef Kronik may have planned to expand his business in the future and, basically, to add an appropriate building from that southern side later. However, it was the Baczewski company that rose to the top positions and extended its territory, and even moved the street (now Mekhanichna Street) forward almost to the boundary line of the Kronik's land plot.
After the Second World War, several buildings were constructed in the depth of the land plot, they do not have a monument status. The original buildings continued to be used without implementing any spatial changes. Some of their characteristic elements were lost: the entry gate, roof tiles, there are gutters constructed on the front etc. In 1990, the building was put on the list of architectural monuments of local significance, receiving the number 1577-M.
The architectural project of Stefan Rindler and "AVR Development" comprises reconstruction and restoration works on the buildings with monument status as well as construction of new buildings in the depth of the land plot. Since the main building is in dilapidated state, the project also includes shoring of foundations and a building frame for the creation of a new stability core (Ковальчук 2019). The front of the building is expected to undergo restoration with all the available elements to be preserved and all the lost ones to be reconstructed, such as ceramic roof tiles (Ковальчук 2019). The authentic wooden stairway in the tower will also be restored.
Exhibition space is planned inside the main building. An event hall is to be arranged in the new buildings in the depth of the land plot. It will be a place for lectures, theater, restaurant; an inner courtyard with greenery and an open-air stage are planned next to it.
Salomon Edels — Master of Pharmacy, Moritz Kronik's business partner in Vienna
Moses Kronik (approx. 1800–1910) — a distillery founder
Josef Kronik (Józef Kronik, 1846–1926) — a grandson of Moses Kronik, the company founder
Leib Kronik (b. 1828) — a son of Moses Kronik
Moritz Kronik (Maurycy Kronik, 1880–?) — a son of Josef Kronik, PhD in chemistry from the Franz University (Lviv)
Franciszka Laszkowska — the owner of the village Znesinnia in the middle of the 19th century
Szulim Wallach — Moritz Kronik's business partner in Lviv, merchant and manufacturer, a councillor of the Jewish religious community of the city
1. Archive of the Jam Factory Contemporary Art Center, collected by Harald Binder and Yevheniy Poliakov;
2. State Archive of Lviv Oblast (DALO) Р-130/1/4;
3. DALO Р-37/4/539:97;
4. DALO 26/15/726:456;
5. Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv (CDIAL) 166/1/1178:83-85;
6. CDIAL 166/1/1180:188ff;
7. CDIAL 701/2/1118:158;
8. American Jewish Yearbook, 1917, Vol. 19, p. 341;
9. “Firmenprotokollierungen”, Amtsblatt für Wiener Zeitung, 1919, Nr. 11, s. 32;
10. Chwila, 1926, №2676, s. 3;
11. Chwila, 1938, №6849, s. 10;
12. Galicyjska księga adresowa, 1896, s. 57, 368;
13. “Część urzędowa. Wykaz ofiar…”, Gazeta Lwowska, 1866, №177, s. 1;
14. “Kronika. Losowanie sędziów przysięgłych”, Gazeta Narodowa, 1877, №176, s. 3;
15. Księga adresowa Małopolski (Lwów, Stanisławów, Tarnopol), 1936;
16. “Kronika. Dla biednych dzieci”, Kurjer Lwowski, 1890, №355, s. 3;
17. “Kronika. Cztery pożary”, Kurjer Lwowski, 1908, №10, s. 3;
18. “Kronika. Sędziowie przysięgli”, Kurjer Lwowski, 1913, №474, s. 4;
19. Jerzy Michalewicz, Słownik historyczny zakładów przemysłu gorzelniczego Galicji doby autonomicznej, Tom 4, (Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 1993), s. 31;
20. “Aktion zur Rettung der verlassenen Kinder Galiziens”, Neue Freie Presse, 1917, №18988, s. 7;
21. M. Sonnenschein, Lwowski skorowidz adresowy, Rocznik 2, (Lwów, 1926), s. 102;
22. Spis abonentów sieci telefonicznych... Warszawa, 1939, s. 677;
23. Sprawozdanie roczne Wydziału Towarzystwa Rygorozantów (Żydowski dom akademicki) we Lwowie za rok akademicki 1926/1927, (Lwów: Nakładem Towarzystwa Rygorozantów, 1927), s. 35;
24. Иосиф Гельстон, “Евреи на Знесенье. Фрагменты из истории”, Матеріали ХІI міжнародної наукової конференції “Єврейська історія та культура в країнах Центральної та Східної Європи — Єврейське краєзнавство та колекціонування”
25. Ігор Мельник, Довкола Високого Замку. Шляхами і вулицями Жовківського передмістя та північних околиць міста Львова, (Львів: Апріорі, 2010), 288;
25. Роман Могитич, Фабрика горілки та підсолоджених трунків "Йозеф Кронік і син". Історична довідка (Львів, 2016) (unpublished);
26. Справочник Львовской АТС, (Львов, 1949);
27. Anna Kozłowska-Ryś, Lwów na słodko i półwytrawnie, (Poznań: Liberum, 2018);
28. Olha Zarechnyuk, "Kronik i syn" Factory. Evidence from Historic City Maps and Photography, (Lviv, 2018) (unpublished)
29. Interview with Harald Binder, founder of the Jam Factory Art Center, recorded by Iryna Sklokina in March 2019
30. Interview with Yaroslav Havryliv, director of “Vitakons” LLC, recorded by Iryna Sklokina in December 2018
31. Interview with Bozhena Zakaliuzhna (Pelenska), director of the Jam Factory Art Center, recorded by Iryna Sklokina in November 2018 – June 2019
32. Interview with Kateryna Kovalchuk, architect from AVR Development, recorded by Iryna Sklokina in January 2019
33. Interview with Halyna Trots, bookkeeper of “Vitakons” LLC, recorded in December 2018
34. Interview with Yulian Chaplynskyi, the head of the Department for City Planning and Architecture in Lviv in 2015-2019, recorded by Iryna Sklokina in February 2019
35. Jam Factory Art Center у фокусі проекту Open Heritage (2019), Jam Factory Art Center Youtube channel, October 10
By Harald Binder and Iryna Sklokina
Prepared for publication by Olha Zarechnyuk
We are grateful to Yevheniy Poliakov for collecting the archival materials
Translation by Natalia Usach