
Вайтман Вейд Беорн

PhD, викладач Університету Вірджинії та консультант Меморіального музею Голокосту в США. Досліджує Голокост у Східній Європі. Автор двох книжок "Marching Into Darkness: The Wehrmacht and the Holocaust in Belarus (Harvard University Press, 2014)" та "The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: At the Epicenter of the Final Solution (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018)". Готує до публікації книжку про історію Янівського табору "Between the Wires: The Janowska Camp and the Holocaust in Lviv". 

"Last Stop in Lwów: Janowska as a Hybrid Camp," Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol 32, Nr. 3, Winter 2018, pp. 445-471 ​
"New Paths, New Directions: Reflections on 40 Years of Holocaust Studies and the GSA," German Studies Review, vol. 39, Nr. 3, October 2016, pp. 589-599 ​
"Perpetrators, Presidents, and Profiteers: Teaching Genocide Prevention and Response through Classroom Simulation," Special Issue: Mass Atrocity Prevention, Politics and Governance 3, no. 4 (2015): 72-83 ​
"The Man Who Stood in his own Grave—Twice," The Galitzianer, Vol 20, No. 4, December 2013 ​
"Genocide in a Small Place: Wehrmacht Complicity in Killing the Jews of Krupki, 1941" Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History, Vol.16, No.1-2, Summer/Autumn 2010, pp.97-128 ​
"A Calculus of Complicity: The Wehrmacht, the Anti-Partisan War, and the Final Solution in White Russia, 1941-42," Central European History, Vol. 44, Nr. 2, June 2011, pp. 308-337. "Geographies of the Holocaust" (jointly with Tim Cole, Simone Gigliotti, Alberto Giordano, Anna Holian, Paul Jaskot, Anne Knowles, Marc Masurovsky, and Erik Steiner), The Geographical Review, vol. 99, Nr. 4, October 2009 ​
"Negotiating Murder: A Panzer Signal Company and the Destruction of the Jews of Peregruznoe, 1942," Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol. 23, Nr. 2, Fall 2009 ​
"Drafting Testimony: Art, Space, and Evidence in Zeev Porath’s Janowska Drawings," (in progress)

Лекція Вайтмана Вейд Беорна "Янівський табір у центрі Голокосту" у Центр міської історії у межах програми "Lwów, לעמבערג‎, Львів, Lemberg’43: Місто, яке (не)пережило". 

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