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    Pidzamche: Spaces and Places

    The purpose of the project is to present on the Lviv Interactive map the peculiarities and the main points of the historical development of several areas located in the north-eastern part of Lviv, and united under the name of "Pidzamche." The main focus of the project is on the places and objects which have played an important role in the neighborhood's life and in the formation of its material and symbolic landscape, or can serve as illustrative examples of significant processes, trends or practices typical of the neighborhood.

         The Center's for Urban History research interest for Pidzamche is determined by several factors: an important functional role of the neighborhood (it used to be the main industrial area of Lviv); the neighborhood's historical specificity (during nearly the whole pre-Soviet history of Lviv, Pidzamche was a rather special commercial, working, and Jewish area, and during the German occupation it was a place of the ghetto and the Holocaust); the present-day unattractive image of the neighborhood and its marginality on the cultural map of Lviv (especially in relation to the recent Soviet history). The presentation of the researches of Pidzamche on the interactive map aims to facilitate a return of the neighborhood to the focus of both scholars' and Lviv residents' attention.


    Lviv's North-Eastern Suburb: the Main Characteristics and Historical Transformations

    Lviv's north-eastern part has a long history, perhaps even longer than the history the city's central part. In fact, according to researchers (and following Bartłomiej Zimorowicz, a seventeenth century Polish historian), it was the quarters located at the foot of the Zamkova (Castle) Hill, to the north of what is now the city's historical center, that the pre-Polish, "princely" town was located. Later, after the transfer of the city center, this area found itself outside the walls of the medieval city of Lviv and was subordinate not to the city authorities, but to the royal starosta. The former "under-the-castle" downtown was now only the north-eastern part of the Krakivske suburb. There remained — and settled later — those who had difficulty obtaining the official citizenship of Lviv. First of all, it concerned Jews whose residence in the city was strictly controlled and limited: only a few rich and influential Jews could settle in the new fortified town. Also, artisans and traders who were not part of the city guilds felt more freely at the Krakivske suburb, as well as just poor people, particularly immigrants from nearby villages, for whom living in the city meant unacceptable expenses.

         With the beginning of industrialization in Lviv in the nineteenth century, the geographic peculiarities of this area (its smooth surface and a natural barrier from the side of the walled city — the Vysokyi Zamok (High Castle) Hill), the relative cheapness of land and its low status in terms of quality of living made them the most convenient place for industrial construction. After the construction of the railway in 1869, the neighborhood's industrial significance was increased. For the same reasons the city authorities also placed not too attractive though important public facilities there. In fact, until the end of the Second World War, the north-eastern part of Lviv for many centuries retained its special character as a neighborhood of craftsmen and traders, workers and Jews, and, later, as an industrial and economic area. After the almost complete destruction of Lviv's Jewish minority due to the events of the Holocaust, the area ceased to be associated with Jews. Only a few surviving synagogues and individual buildings, associated with the activities of Jewish merchants or businessmen, could indicate their former presence here. Later, the Soviet authorities made significant efforts to cleanse the territory of the suburb of its other special meaning, that of a commercial center. However, the struggle against spontaneous traders, proclaimed black marketeers, as well as transferring old markets and arranging new ones yielded only partial results. The presence of a large number of factories and handicraft enterprises, producing things important for everyday life and food, strongly stimulated the workers and local residents to informal trade "under the counter" or "from the checkpoint." The suburban location attracted also a large number of rural dwellers, who brought there domestically produced food for sale, and dealers, who bought it at lower prices than "in town." In Soviet Lviv, the industrial significance of the northern suburbs began to dominate. The pre-war enterprises were restored, some of them were expanded and reorganized, while others changed their specialization. Many new enterprises appeared in territories still remaining vacant.

    Pidzamche: at the Crossroads of Old and New Spaces

    Till the second half of the eighteenth century all town quarters to the north of the Krakivska gate were called the Krakivske suburb. After the incorporation of Lviv in the Habsburg Empire the Austrian authorities established a new administrative division of the city. The name of Krakivske was given to the western suburb while the northern one was officially called Zhovkivske. In the east, it was limited be the Vysokyi Zamok Hill and by the village of Znesinnia; in the west, by the Poltva river; in the north, by the village of Zamarstyniv.

         It was possible to speak about the separate neighborhood of Pidzamche within the Zhovkivske suburb from the late 1860s, when a new railway was built from the main city station and farther to Brody. The railway was laid through the whole suburb, dividing it into two parts, a north one and a south one. Although the dividing line was drawn rather accidentally, the areas which found themselves on either side of the railway embankment, were markedly different. Closer to the city's center, the main commercial areas and the main objects of Jewish religious life were located, while the territory north of the railway was transitional between the city and Zamarstyniv, its housing was less dense and worse; besides, it was there that industrial buildings were concentrated. Although the both parts continued to be perceived in a single topographical context, the railway formed a significant border and was an obstacle for communication and transportation. The far part of the Zhovkivske suburb was given an unofficial name of Pidzamche: that was the name of a new railway station located at the foot of the northern slopes of the Zamkova Hill. However, the toponym of Pidzamche continued to be used in its older sense, as the name of all the neighborhoods adjacent to the Vysokyi Zamok north of the downtown.


    Exploring Pidzamche: Methodological Challenges

    Pidzamche is a vernacular spatial phenomenon. Its territory is determined by an informal, "grassroots," traditional mode of perception of space by Lviv residents. The borders of Pidzamche are quite conditional and are not fixed in detail by any maps or plans. For almost every Lvivite this neighborhood is defined in a different way. In this situation we have to deal with all possible subjective localizations of this toponym, focusing, however, on the area of their ​​intersection.

         On the one hand, the lack of an officially established definition of Pidzamche, which could be relied on, makes the research difficult. After all, dealing with subjective material, we have to analyze personal experience of the "other" who never reveals himself/herself completely. On the other hand, we can also speak of an "openness" of the research object, which enables us to see it in a multifaceted perspective, to notice its dynamic connections with the general context and other phenomena. The lack of a clear official, political, cultural, or social framework, which formalizes or formalized the spatial phenomenon of Pidzamche, allows the researcher to study the urban reality in the process of becoming, rather than using some existing and backward structures of perception. Any place contains a lot of "parallel" spaces, each of which is specified by different processes and conditions. For several centuries the territory associated with the name of Pidzamche, became a place of intersection of numerous governmental, public, and everyday policies, practices, agents, and forces, sometimes mutually contradictory. All they have left their mark there, but we can speak also about the creation of a special material and symbolic landscape which is not a mere reflection of all these processes but contains something new, something that is unique to it. The controversial, difficult, and marginalized history of Pidzamche is an excellent material for a study of "social space," which combines physical spatial characteristics with discursive and mental representations and social practices. Pidzamche has always been a territory, which was both a challenge and a resource for the actual city. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the "central" (city or state) authorities repeatedly attempted to make the northern suburbs an object of their now exploiting, now emancipating or modernizing policies. However, the experience of "being left to the mercy of fate," acquired by the suburb, also specified its own local position or, more precisely, a position of the subject, which manifested itself in the "resistance of local material" and in the creation of specific local identities. The study of this complex tangle of interweaving conditions, produced by various long historical processes, material circumstances, discursive factors, and socio-cultural practices, requires more than one thorough research.

    "Pidzamche: Spaces and Places" Project at the Lviv Interactive

    The project "Pidzamche: Spaces and Places," implemented on an interactive map of Lviv, is an attempt to create a basic auxiliary resource for studies of this kind. It presents a dual purpose: 1) to show, in the first approximation, the historical and spatial and material reality behind the vague and subjective phenomenon of Pidzamche; 2) to partly identify and to fix through appropriate representations the important subjective and personal experience, invested, in the course of decades, in the space, places, and material objects of the neighbourhood. Here the important point is the correlation with a broader spatial and temporal context within the general project "Lviv Interactive".

         The timeline of "Pidzamche" begins from the late 1860s, when the railway "Lviv-Brody" was laid through the Zhovkivske suburb, and ends with the present day.

         The basic method of the interactive representation of Pidzamche is creating a cartographic database of objects that are important to illustrate various aspects of the history of this neighborhood. Both individual buildings and certain places or territories can be used. Fixing objects on the map is accompanied by the provision of additional information, historical and architectural reference, analytical and descriptive texts, quotes from original sources, visual materials. For coverage of various parallel thematic layers, present in the history of Pidzamche, the cartographic base is divided into several map planes mutually intersecting and complementing each other. They represent the following sub-themes:

    • Pidzamche as an industrial area and a working neighborhood;
    • Pidzamche as a Jewish neighborhood;
    • Pidzamche as a trading neighborhood;
    • Pidzamche as an object of government and municipal policies and practices;
    • Pidzamche as a symbolic and cultural landscape.

    Market on pl. Krakowski (now pl. Osmomysla) in 1860-1870s.
    Photo by Józef Eder. From the collection of V.Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library NAS of Ukraine, № 77814
    Contemporary building on vul. Khmelnytskoho, 109. Koryte Schul synagogue used to stand here/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Contemporary building on vul. Khmelnytskoho, 109. Koryte Schul synagogue used to stand here Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Contemporary building on vul. Khmelnytskoho, 109. Koryte Schul synagogue used to stand here/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Contemporary building on vul. Khmelnytskoho, 109. Koryte Schul synagogue used to stand here Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    The Chasidim synagogue building which was located on the corner of ul. Bożnicza (today vul. Sianska) and ul. Łazienna (today vul. Lazneva) after the 1918 pogrom/
    The Chasidim synagogue building which was located on the corner of ul. Bożnicza (today vul. Sianska) and ul. Łazienna (today vul. Lazneva) after the 1918 pogrom
    The plot encircled by a fence is where the Chasidim synagogue used to stand. View from vul. Lazneva/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    The plot encircled by a fence is where the Chasidim synagogue used to stand. View from vul. Lazneva Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Sianska. Place where the Chasidim synagogue building used to stand./Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko
    Vul. Sianska. Place where the Chasidim synagogue building used to stand. Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko
    Vul. Sianska. Place where the synagogue building used to stand./Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko
    Vul. Sianska. Place where the synagogue building used to stand. Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko
    /Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    /Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    /Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    /Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. View of the southern facade of the church/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. View of the southern facade of the church Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. View of the southern facade of the church/Photo Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013 of Ihor Zhuk (2013)
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. View of the southern facade of the church Photo Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013 of Ihor Zhuk (2013)
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. Part of the southern facade/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. Part of the southern facade Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. The bell tower/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. The bell tower Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. The western facade of the church/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. The western facade of the church Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. One of the buttresses of the building/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. One of the buttresses of the building Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. View the former convent building/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. View the former convent building Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. The entrance gate to the convent's territory/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Vicheva, 2. The entrance gate to the convent's territory Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Pl. Rizni as seen from the former walled city side (from the south) - now from the stairs near Zankovetska theater. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni as seen from the former walled city side (from the south) - now from the stairs near Zankovetska theater. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni as seen from northwestern side. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. On the background on the left is the Zankovetska theater/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni as seen from northwestern side. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. On the background on the left is the Zankovetska theater Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. On the left – former Gęsia/Goose str. (now vul. Staromiska), behind the trees on the background – the Lviv Hotel on prosp. Chornovola/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. On the left – former Gęsia/Goose str. (now vul. Staromiska), behind the trees on the background – the Lviv Hotel on prosp. Chornovola Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. On the background – the Lviv Hotel on prosp. Chornovola/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. On the background – the Lviv Hotel on prosp. Chornovola Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. A view towards prosp. Chornovola/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. A view towards prosp. Chornovola Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. A view from prosp. Chornovola towards Dobrobut market/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Rizni. On this square, the city slaughterhouse stood until mid-19th century. A view from prosp. Chornovola towards Dobrobut market Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khlibna (today vul. Stara), as seen from near the Znkovetska theater building. Part of the street is occupied by Dobrobut market/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khlibna (today vul. Stara), as seen from near the Znkovetska theater building. Part of the street is occupied by Dobrobut market Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Stara. On the right – plot where the Great Suburban Synagogue used to stand, today it is occupied by Dobrobut market/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Stara. On the right – plot where the Great Suburban Synagogue used to stand, today it is occupied by Dobrobut market Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Entrance to former ul. Gęsia (Goose str., now vul. Staromiska) from vul. Torhova/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Entrance to former ul. Gęsia (Goose str., now vul. Staromiska) from vul. Torhova Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Former ul. Gęsia (Goose str., today vul. Staromiska), viewed from pl. Rizni/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Former ul. Gęsia (Goose str., today vul. Staromiska), viewed from pl. Rizni Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Buildings on former ul. Gęsia (Goose str., today vul. Staromiska), viewed from the east/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Buildings on former ul. Gęsia (Goose str., today vul. Staromiska), viewed from the east Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards east and St. Nicholas church in particular/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards east and St. Nicholas church in particular Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards east and St. Nicholas church in particular/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards east and St. Nicholas church in particular Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards east and St. Nicholas church in particular/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards east and St. Nicholas church in particular Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards west and the Sv. Teodora square/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards west and the Sv. Teodora square Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards west and the Sv. Teodora square/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Starotandentna (Old Junkman's), now called vul. Muliarska. A view towards west and the Sv. Teodora square Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Haidamatska, 9. Checkpoint to the military buildings. On this territory, the church of the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple used to stand until its demolition by Austrian authorities in late 18th century/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Haidamatska, 9. Checkpoint to the military buildings. On this territory, the church of the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple used to stand until its demolition by Austrian authorities in late 18th century Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Haidamatska, 9. Checkpoint to the military buildings. On this territory, the church of the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple used to stand until its demolition by Austrian authorities in late 18th century/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Haidamatska, 9. Checkpoint to the military buildings. On this territory, the church of the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple used to stand until its demolition by Austrian authorities in late 18th century Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Haidamatska, 9. The territory of the military base as seen from the intersection of vul. Haidamatska and vul. Lobachevskoho/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Haidamatska, 9. The territory of the military base as seen from the intersection of vul. Haidamatska and vul. Lobachevskoho Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Haidamatska, 9. Old buildings on the territory of the military base/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Haidamatska, 9. Old buildings on the territory of the military base Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. The church building's principal facade/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. The church building's principal facade Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Southern facade/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Southern facade Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. A view of the church from vul. Pylnykarska/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. A view of the church from vul. Pylnykarska Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Domes/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Domes Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Doors of the main entrance/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Doors of the main entrance Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Detail of the principal facade/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Detail of the principal facade Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. A plaque attached to the building's facade/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 28. A plaque attached to the building's facade Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the church from the southwest/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the church from the southwest Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the convent ensemble from the north/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the convent ensemble from the north Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the chirch from the northwest/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the chirch from the northwest Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the convent from the Vysokyi Zamok (
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the convent from the Vysokyi Zamok ("High Castle") Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2006
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the convent from the southeast/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view of the convent from the southeast Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view from the east/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view from the east Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view from the east/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2006
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view from the east Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2006
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view from the south/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. A view from the south Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. The church's principal facade/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. The church's principal facade Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. One of the lateral portals/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. One of the lateral portals Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. The main entrance/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2006
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. The main entrance Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2006
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. Interior of the church, a view towards the altar/Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. Interior of the church, a view towards the altar Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. The royal doors of the iconostasis with icons of Christ and Mary on their sides, and predellas below done by artist Modest Sosenko/Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. The royal doors of the iconostasis with icons of Christ and Mary on their sides, and predellas below done by artist Modest Sosenko Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. The royal doors of the iconostasis with icons of Christ and Mary on their sides, and predellas below done by artist Modest Sosenko/Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. The royal doors of the iconostasis with icons of Christ and Mary on their sides, and predellas below done by artist Modest Sosenko Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. Wooden figure of st. Onuphrius by sculptor Lazar Paslavskyi (1770s). Until 1990s it was situated in an ambon by the northern wall of the nave./Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. Wooden figure of st. Onuphrius by sculptor Lazar Paslavskyi (1770s). Until 1990s it was situated in an ambon by the northern wall of the nave. Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. Gravestone of Moldovian king Ştefan al VII-lea Tomşa with a Moldovian coat-of-arms/Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 36. Gravestone of Moldovian king Ştefan al VII-lea Tomşa with a Moldovian coat-of-arms Photo courtesy of Oksana Boyko, 2012
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. View of the church from the southern side while the street is under reconstruction works/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. View of the church from the southern side while the street is under reconstruction works Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Entrance to the church territory/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Entrance to the church territory Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. The church's tower. On the right, on the background, the Television tower on top of High Castle hill is seen/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. The church's tower. On the right, on the background, the Television tower on top of High Castle hill is seen Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Courtyard before the church entrance/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Courtyard before the church entrance Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. The main entrance/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. The main entrance Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Southern facade/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Southern facade Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. A part of the southern facade. There is a plaque with coat-of-arms of the Moldavian principality between windows/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. A part of the southern facade. There is a plaque with coat-of-arms of the Moldavian principality between windows Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Apse/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Apse Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Modern chapel located to the northwest of the church. Late 19th c. clergy house is seen on the left, it is derelict today/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 77. Modern chapel located to the northwest of the church. Late 19th c. clergy house is seen on the left, it is derelict today Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. A view from the southwest/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. A view from the southwest Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. The western facade/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. The western facade Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. The western facade/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. The western facade Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. A part of the western facade/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. A part of the western facade Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. Neoromanesque imitation of a rose window made of bricks and majolica tiles/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. Neoromanesque imitation of a rose window made of bricks and majolica tiles Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. Lateral (southern) facade/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. Lateral (southern) facade Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. A view from the northeast of the apse and sacristy, added in 1880-s/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Staryi Rynok, 1. A view from the northeast of the apse and sacristy, added in 1880-s Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2014
    Pl. Sv. Teodora. In its center, there used to be a Ukrainian wooden church dedicated to St. Theodore -until late 18th century when it was demolished by Austrian authorities/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Pl. Sv. Teodora. In its center, there used to be a Ukrainian wooden church dedicated to St. Theodore -until late 18th century when it was demolished by Austrian authorities Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Pl. Sv. Teodora. In its center, there used to be a Ukrainian wooden church dedicated to St. Theodore -until late 18th century when it was demolished by Austrian authorities/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Pl. Sv. Teodora. In its center, there used to be a Ukrainian wooden church dedicated to St. Theodore -until late 18th century when it was demolished by Austrian authorities Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Pl. Sv. Teodora. In its center, there used to be a Ukrainian wooden church dedicated to St. Theodore -until late 18th century when it was demolished by Austrian authorities/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Pl. Sv. Teodora. In its center, there used to be a Ukrainian wooden church dedicated to St. Theodore -until late 18th century when it was demolished by Austrian authorities Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. Former St. Martin school, now King Danylo Halytskyi Specialized Middle School no. 57. The older part of the school building contructed in 19th c./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. Former St. Martin school, now King Danylo Halytskyi Specialized Middle School no. 57. The older part of the school building contructed in 19th c. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. Former St. Martin school, now King Danylo Halytskyi Specialized Middle School no. 57. View of the school from the intersection of vul. Zhovkivska and vul. Shkilna/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. Former St. Martin school, now King Danylo Halytskyi Specialized Middle School no. 57. View of the school from the intersection of vul. Zhovkivska and vul. Shkilna Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. Former St. Martin school, now King Danylo Halytskyi Specialized Middle School no. 57. Avant-corps with the main entrance on the 19th c. school building/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. Former St. Martin school, now King Danylo Halytskyi Specialized Middle School no. 57. Avant-corps with the main entrance on the 19th c. school building Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. View from vul. Shkilna. On the left, the older, 19th c. part, on the right – the part constructed during Soviet period. In the middle, the school courtyard/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. View from vul. Shkilna. On the left, the older, 19th c. part, on the right – the part constructed during Soviet period. In the middle, the school courtyard Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. View from vul. Shkilna. Monument to King Danylo Halytskyi is seen. Today the school is named after him./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 6. View from vul. Shkilna. Monument to King Danylo Halytskyi is seen. Today the school is named after him. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Donetska, 11. Former residential building of German Schneider family who owned a big vegetable farm in Pidzamche in 19th century/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 11. Former residential building of German Schneider family who owned a big vegetable farm in Pidzamche in 19th century Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 11. Former residential building of German Schneider family who owned a big vegetable farm in Pidzamche in 19th century/Авторка фото – Ольга Заречнюк, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 11. Former residential building of German Schneider family who owned a big vegetable farm in Pidzamche in 19th century Авторка фото – Ольга Заречнюк, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. On the right is the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840/Photo from the 1890s
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. On the right is the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840 Photo from the 1890s
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. On the right, there used to be the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840./Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. On the right, there used to be the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840. Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. On the plot, encircled by a retaining wall, there used to be the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840. On the right, the bell tower of St. Onuprious church is seen/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. On the plot, encircled by a retaining wall, there used to be the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840. On the right, the bell tower of St. Onuprious church is seen Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. Here used to be the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. Here used to be the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840 Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. Here used to be the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho. Here used to be the Jan Karpf's brewery which was adapted for residence and public steam baths in 1840 Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. General view of the plant from the intersection of vul. Khmelnytskoho and vul. Volynska/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. General view of the plant from the intersection of vul. Khmelnytskoho and vul. Volynska Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. One of the old plan't buildings on the right of the main gate/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. One of the old plan't buildings on the right of the main gate Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Driveway on the right of the plant's territory/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Driveway on the right of the plant's territory Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. The main gate/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. The main gate Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Former Cielecki palace building which was adapted for the factory needs/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Former Cielecki palace building which was adapted for the factory needs Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. The main gate as seen from the inside/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. The main gate as seen from the inside Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Plant's courtyard/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 114. Plant's courtyard Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Pid Dubom. The Forum trade center (constructed in 2015) is in the center. In 19th century, Misionerska square was located here, and the city mead distillery was in the vicinity/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Pid Dubom. The Forum trade center (constructed in 2015) is in the center. In 19th century, Misionerska square was located here, and the city mead distillery was in the vicinity Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Pid Dubom. On the right, the Forum trade center (constructed in 2015). In 19th century, Misionerska square was located here, and the city mead distillery was in the vicinity/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Pid Dubom. On the right, the Forum trade center (constructed in 2015). In 19th century, Misionerska square was located here, and the city mead distillery was in the vicinity Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Pid Dubom. On the foreground, the square before the Forum trade center. In 19th century, Misionerska square was located here, and the city mead distillery was in the vicinity/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Pid Dubom. On the foreground, the square before the Forum trade center. In 19th century, Misionerska square was located here, and the city mead distillery was in the vicinity Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 5. Building that dates to mid 19th century, which probably served an industrial function/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 5. Building that dates to mid 19th century, which probably served an industrial function Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from prosp. Chornovola/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from prosp. Chornovola Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from vul. Lemkivska/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from vul. Lemkivska Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from prosp. Chornovola/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from prosp. Chornovola Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from vul. Lemkivska/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from vul. Lemkivska Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Ohirkova, 6. Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Ohirkova, 6. Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Ohirkova, 6. Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Ohirkova, 6. Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Former workshop buildings that were adapted for residential needs after WWII Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khimichna, 2a. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. Former mill
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. Former mill "Dawid Axelbrad i Syn" developed into a bread production plant. View of the industrial complex from vul. Khmelnytskoho. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. Entrance to the bread production plant/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. Entrance to the bread production plant Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. View of the complex of former mill
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. View of the complex of former mill "Dawid Axelbrad i Syn", now a bread production plant from vul. Paparivka Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. View of the complex from the railway track near Pidzamche station/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. View of the complex from the railway track near Pidzamche station Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. In the center of the photo, the former residential building of the former mill owners, the Axelbrads/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. In the center of the photo, the former residential building of the former mill owners, the Axelbrads Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. In the center of the photo, the former residential building of the former mill owners, the Axelbrads/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Khmelnytskoho, 88. In the center of the photo, the former residential building of the former mill owners, the Axelbrads Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    /Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    /Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    /Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    /Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Promyslova, 29. Behind the fence on the right – the tram depot building which does not function today/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Promyslova, 29. Behind the fence on the right – the tram depot building which does not function today Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Promyslova, 29. Behind the fence on the right – the tram depot building which does not function today/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Promyslova, 29. Behind the fence on the right – the tram depot building which does not function today Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zavodska, 36. The main facade of the building today/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska, 36. The main facade of the building today Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska, 36. The principal staircase/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska, 36. The principal staircase Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska, 36. Rear facade - a view from the courtyard/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska, 36. Rear facade - a view from the courtyard Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska, 36. Doors from the courtyard to the passageway which leads to the street/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska, 36. Doors from the courtyard to the passageway which leads to the street Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 39. On this site, the first steam washhouse was located/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 39. On this site, the first steam washhouse was located Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 39. On this site, the first steam washhouse was located/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 39. On this site, the first steam washhouse was located Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 39. On this site, the first steam washhouse was located/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 39. On this site, the first steam washhouse was located Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from prosp. Chornovola/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from prosp. Chornovola Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from vul. Lemkivska/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from vul. Lemkivska Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from prosp. Chornovola/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from prosp. Chornovola Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from vul. Lemkivska/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. A view from vul. Lemkivska Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Lemkivska, 7. The mill buildings. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Donetska, 1. General view of the apartment house of former City cleaning plant's workers – from the south/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. General view of the apartment house of former City cleaning plant's workers – from the south Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Side avant-corps on the main facade/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Side avant-corps on the main facade Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Section of the main facade/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Section of the main facade Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. One of the entrances – in the center of the main facade/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. One of the entrances – in the center of the main facade Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Central staircase/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Central staircase Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Central staircase/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Central staircase Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Central staircase/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Central staircase Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Authentic apartment doors/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. Authentic apartment doors Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. General view of the building from vul. Zhovkivska/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. General view of the building from vul. Zhovkivska Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. The apartment house, on its left – the entrance gate to the former City cleaning plant territory/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 1. The apartment house, on its left – the entrance gate to the former City cleaning plant territory Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    A schematic plan drawing/Image courtesy of the State Archive of Lviv Oblast, item 2/1/3350:16
    A schematic plan drawing Image courtesy of the State Archive of Lviv Oblast, item 2/1/3350:16
    Transverse sections: through the principal and lateral staircases/Image courtesy of the State Archive of Lviv Oblast, item 2/1/3350:21
    Transverse sections: through the principal and lateral staircases Image courtesy of the State Archive of Lviv Oblast, item 2/1/3350:21
    Plan for the arrangement of a bomb shelter in the basements (1944)/Image courtesy of the State Archive of Lviv Oblast, item 2/1/3349:64
    Plan for the arrangement of a bomb shelter in the basements (1944) Image courtesy of the State Archive of Lviv Oblast, item 2/1/3349:64
    Vul. Donetska, 3. Former City cleaning plant's apartment house, constructed in the 1920s. A view from the south/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. Former City cleaning plant's apartment house, constructed in the 1920s. A view from the south Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. Section of the main facade with Lviv's coat-of-arms/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. Section of the main facade with Lviv's coat-of-arms Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. Side avant-corps on the main facade of the building. A plaque tells that the State Miration Service's offices are located here/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. Side avant-corps on the main facade of the building. A plaque tells that the State Miration Service's offices are located here Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. A general view from the west/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. A general view from the west Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. Lviv's coat-of-arms on the main facade/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Donetska, 3. Lviv's coat-of-arms on the main facade Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Henerala Hrekova, 3. In this building (or in #5) during interwar period, the city epidemiological hospital was located/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Henerala Hrekova, 3. In this building (or in #5) during interwar period, the city epidemiological hospital was located Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Henerala Hrekova, 5. In this building (or in #3) during interwar period, the city epidemiological hospital was located/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Henerala Hrekova, 5. In this building (or in #3) during interwar period, the city epidemiological hospital was located Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Horodnytska. Around this territory, the
    Vul. Horodnytska. Around this territory, the "Tlenopol" chemical products factory was located Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Horodnytska. Around this territory, the
    Vul. Horodnytska. Around this territory, the "Tlenopol" chemical products factory was located Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49. Place of the former swimming pool./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49. Place of the former swimming pool. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49.  The trampoline structure./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49. The trampoline structure. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49.  The trampoline structure./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49. The trampoline structure. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49.  Former sports complex derelict building./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49. Former sports complex derelict building. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49.  Former sports complex derelict building./Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Instrumentalna, 49. Former sports complex derelict building. Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2012
    Vul. Tkatska. Before the construction of this
    Vul. Tkatska. Before the construction of this "Svitoch" factory building, there used to be several smaller buildings on the site. The scale factory that belonged to brothers Winter was among them Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska. Before the construction of this
    Vul. Tkatska. Before the construction of this "Svitoch" factory building, there used to be several smaller buildings on the site. The scale factory that belonged to brothers Winter was among them Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Former
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Former "Len" factory building Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Former
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Former "Len" factory building Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Former
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Former "Len" factory building Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Fragment of the former
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Fragment of the former "Len" factory building Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Former
    Vul. Tkatska, 29. Former "Len" factory building. On the foreground, house on vul. Tkatska, 31 where an car service is located today Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska. On this territory there used to be several buildings, in one of them the Ichnowski meat products factory was located./Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska. On this territory there used to be several buildings, in one of them the Ichnowski meat products factory was located. Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska. On this territory there used to be several buildings, in one of them the Ichnowski meat products factory was located./Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Tkatska. On this territory there used to be several buildings, in one of them the Ichnowski meat products factory was located. Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska. Before the construction of this REMA plant building, there used to be a few smaller buildings, the Kuznicki roofing felt factory was located in one of them (#33)/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska. Before the construction of this REMA plant building, there used to be a few smaller buildings, the Kuznicki roofing felt factory was located in one of them (#33) Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska. Before the construction of this REMA plant building, there used to be a few smaller buildings, the Kuznicki roofing felt factory was located in one of them (#33)/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska. Before the construction of this REMA plant building, there used to be a few smaller buildings, the Kuznicki roofing felt factory was located in one of them (#33) Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska. Before the construction of this REMA plant building, there used to be a few smaller buildings, the Kuznicki roofing felt factory was located in one of them (#33)/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zavodska. Before the construction of this REMA plant building, there used to be a few smaller buildings, the Kuznicki roofing felt factory was located in one of them (#33) Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Territory in front of the prayer hall building/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Territory in front of the prayer hall building Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. A general view of the former monastic ensemble from the street/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. A general view of the former monastic ensemble from the street Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. The main entrance to the territory/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. The main entrance to the territory Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. The main entrance gate/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. The main entrance gate Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, and the former church/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, and the former church Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Vehicle entrance to the territory/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Vehicle entrance to the territory Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. The western facade of the church, now a prayer hall building/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. The western facade of the church, now a prayer hall building Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. The entrance to the prayer hall building/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. The entrance to the prayer hall building Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Courtyard with parking lots in front of the prayer hall/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Courtyard with parking lots in front of the prayer hall Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Former church and monastery as seen from northern side/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Former church and monastery as seen from northern side Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Northern facade of the former church building/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Northern facade of the former church building Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Former monastery building/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Former monastery building Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8./Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 8. Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Courtyard in front of the prayer hall, on the background, the housing of vul. Zhovkivska/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Courtyard in front of the prayer hall, on the background, the housing of vul. Zhovkivska Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 32.
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 32. "Progres" factory building. During Interwar period, "Pallis" factory was located here Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 32.
    Vul. Zhovkivska, 32. "Progres" factory building. During Interwar period, "Pallis" factory was located here Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    /Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    /Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    /Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2017
    /Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    /Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    /Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. View from the north./Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. View from the north. Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. View from the south./Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. View from the south. Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. View of the building from the crossing of Chornovola prospect and Detka str./Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. View of the building from the crossing of Chornovola prospect and Detka str. Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. View of the building from Medova str./Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. View of the building from Medova str. Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. The view of main entrance./Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    Prosp. Chornovola, 4. The view of main entrance. Photo courtesy of Andriy Shulyar, 2012
    /Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    /Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    /Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    /Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    /Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    Photo courtesy of Yurko Morykvas, 2016
    A perspective view of the designed building at Chornovola prosp./Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    A perspective view of the designed building at Chornovola prosp. Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    Draft of the building's southern facade/Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    Draft of the building's southern facade Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    Draft of the building's northern facade/Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    Draft of the building's northern facade Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    Draft of the building's 2nd floor./Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    Draft of the building's 2nd floor. Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    Drafts of the building's 6th and 7th floor/Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    Drafts of the building's 6th and 7th floor Author – Myron Venzylovych, architect (from Venzylovych family archive)
    The "Lviv" hotel on vul. 700-Richchia Lvova (now prosp. Chornovola, 7) on a postcard, 1965-1969 From the collection of Yaroslav Yanchak
    The "Lviv" hotel on vul. 700-Richchia Lvova (now prosp. Chornovola, 7) - on the left, the Statistics department building is on the right, 1965-1969 From the collection of Yaroslav Yanchak
    The "Lviv" hotel on vul. 700-Richchia Lvova (now prosp. Chornovola, 7) in 1965-1970 Photo by Illya Pavlyuk. From the collection of Oleksandr Korobov
    Vul. Khimichna, 22. Apartment house constructed in 1951. Its lateral facade, a newly constructed apartment house is on the background/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khimichna, 22. Apartment house constructed in 1951. Its lateral facade, a newly constructed apartment house is on the background Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khimichna, 22. Apartment house constructed in 1951. Part of the building at its corner/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khimichna, 22. Apartment house constructed in 1951. Part of the building at its corner Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khimichna, 22. Apartment house constructed in 1951. One of the entrances/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Khimichna, 22. Apartment house constructed in 1951. One of the entrances Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Volynska, 10. Former
    Vul. Volynska, 10. Former "Ukrholovvyno" plant buildings (now, the Lviv Liquor Plant Hetman) Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Volynska, 10. Former
    Vul. Volynska, 10. Former "Ukrholovvyno" plant buildings (now, the Lviv Liquor Plant Hetman) Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Volynska, 10. Entrance to the Hetman liquor plant territory/Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Volynska, 10. Entrance to the Hetman liquor plant territory Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Volynska, 10. One of the former
    Vul. Volynska, 10. One of the former "Ukrholovvyno" plant buildings Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Volynska, 10. Alley on the territory of the former
    Vul. Volynska, 10. Alley on the territory of the former "Ukrholovvyno" plant Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Former "Ukrholovvyno" building on vul. Khmelnytskoho (recently reconstructed) Photo courtesy of Olha Zarechnyuk, 2016
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the northwest/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the northwest Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the northwest/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the northwest Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the southwest/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the southwest Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the southwest/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the southwest Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2010
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the southeast/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. A view from the southeast Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. The main portal/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. The main portal Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. Attic on top of the western facade/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. Attic on top of the western facade Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. Part of the attic with volutes/Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. Part of the attic with volutes Photo courtesy of Ihor Zhuk, 2013
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. Interior, a view towards the iconostasis/Photo courtesy of Ihor Syomochkin, 2012
    Vul. Zamarstynivska, 134. Interior, a view towards the iconostasis Photo courtesy of Ihor Syomochkin, 2012
    Vul. Promyslova, 29. Behind the fence on the right – the tram depot building which does not function today/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Promyslova, 29. Behind the fence on the right – the tram depot building which does not function today Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Promyslova, 29. Behind the fence on the right – the tram depot building which does not function today/Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    Vul. Promyslova, 29. Behind the fence on the right – the tram depot building which does not function today Photo courtesy of Nazarii Parkhomyk, 2015
    /Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    /Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    /Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    /Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012
    Photo courtesy of Andriy Boyarov, 2012