
Vul. Vyshenskoho, 9 – resuidential building

ID: 983
This apartment house, designed by Michał Maciałek for Samuel Broeder, was constructed in 1907-1908. The three-storied building is an example of romantic modern style incorporating motives of Neogothic and Neoromanesque architecture. It is a monument of architecture of local significance no. 39.


  1. State Archive of Lviv Oblast (DALO) 2/1/1739: 3, 5
  2. Львів. Туристичний путівник, ред. Юрій Бірюльов, (Львів: Центр Європи, 1999), 356
  3. Lwów. Ilustrowany przewodnik, red. Jurij Biriulow, (Lwów: Centrum Europy – Wrocław: Via Nowa, 2001), 214-215
By Khrystyna Kharchuk