Vul. Halytska, 18 – residential building
The corner house on Halytska street 18 and Valova street 5 (old conscription numbers 334-336, new conscription numbers 303-305) was built in place of the dismantled walls of the Halytska gate. It embraced three parcels under the new conscription numbers 303, 304, and 305 with stone houses that belonged to different owners.
According to the resolution of the Lviv regional executive committee number 393 dated 22 November 1988, the house on Valova street 5 was entered into the local register of monuments under protection number 856.
The house is located in the housing of the quarter between Halytska, Staroyevreiska, Brativ Rohatyntsiv and Kravetska streets.
The house has four stories and three axes. The horizontally divided façade is crowned with a developed cornice decorated with dentils and modillions. The last two stories are decorated with lesenes. The entrance is shifted to the left; there is a sculpture of a swan over it. In the 1875 project the swan was situated in the middle. Arched bridgings have been preserved in the ground floor premises and in the cellar.
Wojciech Pikulski –
the houses number 303 and 304 owner (from 1797).
Dyzma Poruczkowski –
the house number 303 owner (till 1792).
Eliasz Świerkowski
– a saddler, the house number 305 (336 according to the old
numbering) owner.
Marianna Komarnicka (Bojanowska) –
Stefan Komarnicki’s wife, the plot number 304 (335 according to the
old numbering) owner.
Maciej Krupski –
the plot number 304 (335 according to the old numbering) owner.
Sofia Świerkowska –
Eliasz Świerkowski’s wife, the house number 305 (336 according to
the old numbering) owner.
Stefan Komarnicki –
the plot number 304 (335 according to the old numbering) owner.
- State Archive of Lviv Oblast (DALO). Item 2/1/957.
- В. Вуйцик, Leopolitana II (Львів: Класика, 2012).
- І. Лемко, В. Михалик, Г. Бегляров, 1234 вулиці Львова (1939–2009) (Львів: Апріорі, 2009).
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