
Vul. Fedorova, 27 – residential building

ID: 748

The house was built in 1913 on the site of a Renaissance townhouse, on the old Oleska square, where the famous synagogue "Turei Zahav" or "Golden Rose" was situated. Due to the fact that various Jewish institutions were located in the old townhouse, it was called Kahalna (Qahal). According to the resolution of the Lviv Regional Executive Committee number 393 dated 22 November 1988, the townhouse was entered in the Register of architectural monuments (protection number 1053).


1868 — the chimneys were repaired.
1876 — a project for the construction of a baking oven in the premises of the Jewish hospital was designed.
1876 — a baking oven for the hospital was constructed to the left of the hospital gate.
1900 — the toilets were repaired.
1912 — a project of a residential building was designed by Leopold Reiss. The old Renaissance townhouse was dismantled.
1913 — a new residential building was constructed.
Late 1990s — a café called "Art Bar" was arranged on the ground floor to the left of the gate.
2008 — the Representation of the American Association of Committees for Jews in the Former Soviet Union was opened in the right part of the ground floor premises; a prayer hall was arranged in the passage to the synagogue.

The present-day house on Ivana Fedorova street 27 stands on the site of an old Renaissance townhouse. It was built on the old Oleska square, which had been bought by Isaak Nachmanowicz, a wealthy merchant, in 1580 with the purpose of building a synagogue there. This area was empty after all its buildings had been burnt in a fire in 1571. In 1581 Isaak Nachmanowicz was granted royal permission to build a synagogue and, with this in view, invited Paweł Szczęśliwy, one of the most famous Lviv builders. It was this architect who constructed all buildings on the Oleska square. First, a forge driven by a horse mill was constructed, and then a house for Mark Isakowicz, the son of Nachmanowicz (vul. Fedorova, 27), as well as a house of Isaak Suskintowicz (ul. Zaarsenalna, 5/ now vul. Arsenalna) and a synagogue. Mark Isakowicz’s townhouse on Żydowska (Fedorova) street 27 was at the same- time the qahal building.

The appearance of the Renaissance qahal building was depicted by Franciszek Kowaliszyn in his drawing of Fedorova street and reconstructed by Janusz Witwicki. As Majer Bałaban mentioned, the then townhouse number 27 was notable for its very appearance. It had large segmental windows, a table with a Hebraic inscription was placed above the gate. The qahal building was a place where meetings were held; there were offices of seniors and aldermen there, as well as rooms for the rabbi and his assistant (syndic), accountants and hospital servants. A shechita (a ritual poultry slaughterhouse for getting kosher meat) was also located there. In front of the qahal building, a deputy announced claims against the Magistrate and the starosta (an official representing the king) administration. In the 18th century it was almost every day visited by a tax collector who almost always came out empty-handed, because the chest was empty. The qahal chest was located in a well-fortified hypocaust (vault). A wide entryway, located on the extreme left axis, led to the synagogue’s courtyard. In the building file some repairs are mentioned, which took place in the mid-19th century. In particular, in the 1870s, according to the Magistrate’s instructions, the qahal had the chimneys repaired; it was also then that a high shingle roof was replaced with a low tin one. In 1876 a baking oven for the hospital was constructed to the left of the hospital gate; in 1900 the toilets were repaired (master Marcin Krzywiński).

In 1912 the old qahal townhouse was dismantled with the purpose of constructing a new residential building. The shechita was moved to the wing of the qahal townhouse on ul.Arsenalska, 7. The new townhouse was built in 1913 under a project designed by architect Leopold Reiss a year earlier. Like the previous one, it's façade had four axes; however, unlike the latter, it had not three, but four floors; the gate/passage to the synagogue was located on the widest central axis and not on the extreme right one. The stone table with a Hebraic inscription, moved from the old townhouse, was embedded in the façade. In 1913 a laundry was arranged at the attic. By 1939 the house belonged to the Jewish hospital.

In the Soviet times, it was a residential building, as it is today. In the late 1990s a café called "Art Bar" was arranged in the ground floor premises to the left of the gate; in the right part of the ground floor premises, the Representation of the American Association of Committees for Jews in the Former Soviet Union, headed by Meylakh Sheykhet, was opened in 2008; a prayer hall was arranged in the passage to the synagogue.

In 2008 a partial archaeological research, managed by Yuriy Lukomskyi, was conducted in the qahal townhouse courtyard, in front of the synagogue. The discovered artifacts reveal the stages of the parcel formation.

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The four-storied townhouse (its overall dimensions are 16.40 x 15.76 m) is built of stone and brick. The main façade is notable for its open brickwork, combined with a white stone décor (window trimming). Pilasters with diamond rustication, a gate portal and an attic link the building with the Renaissance times.

The central part of the four-axis façade is accentuated by a brick Neo-Renaissance attic. The ground floor is faced with stone and plastered; it has two gates: a narrow rectangular one leading to the townhouse and a wide semicircular gate/passage leading to the synagogue "Turei Zahav". The gate/passage is framed by a Neo-Renaissance stone portal flanked with half-columns and topped with a broken pediment leaning on consoles. Both gates have stylish forged metal doors.

The axis of the gate/passage is accentuated by wider window openings; to the left of the window on the third floor, a stone table with a Hebraic inscription, from the previous townhouse standing on this site, is embedded. Metal balconies leaning on consoles are arranged on the extreme axes of the second and third floors. The gate’s entryway is paved with colored Mettlach tiles, the wooden staircase has metal lattices.


Franciszek Kowaliszyn — artist and archivist who depicted the Renaissance townhouse on a drawing
Janusz Witwicki — architect from Lviv who was the author of Lviv plastic panorama, which is in Wroclaw today 
YuriyLukomskyi  architect and archaeologist who lead architectural and archaeological investigations on the parcels of old Jewish community 
Izak Nachmanowicz (Izak ben Nachman) — wealthy Jewish merchant from 16th century. In 1580 he bought the Oleska square with the aim of constructing a synagogue here 
Piotr Szczęsliwy — one of the most famous builders in Lviv during Renaissance epoque. He buildt the "Turei Zahav" synagogue and other buildings on Oleska square
Marko Izakowicz (Mordechaj ben Izak) — Izak Nachmanowicz's son, owner of the Renaissance townhouse on vul. Fedorova, 27
Izak Suskintowicz (Izak ben Suskint) — owner of Renaissance townhouse on vul. Arsenalna, 5 
Marcin Krzywiński — master who did repair works in the Renaissance building
Leopold Reiss — architect from Lviv who designed the present building
Meylakh Sheykhet— head of Representation of the American Association of Committees for Jews in the Former Soviet Union


1. State Archive of Lviv Oblast (DALO),  2/1/459.
2. Scientific-Research Institute of Theory, History, and Architecture, № 10556.
3. Бойко О. Міська юдейська дільниця Львова. Територія та споруди. Машинопис (Львів,  2008).
4. Могитич Р. "Ліктьовий податок",  Вісник ін-ту Укрзахідпроектреставрація, Ч. 19 (Львів, 2009).
5. Програма регенерації міської юдейської дільниці Львова, розроблена на замовлення і погоджена 2012 р. 
6. Bałaban M. "Dzielnica żydowska: jej dzieje i zabytki", Biblioteka Lwowska, T. III,  (Warszawa, 1990).

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