Vul. Fedkovycha, 30-32 – Lokomotyv railway workers sports club
Constructed in 1908 by Józef Piątkowski, the building belonged to the Sokil-2 sports society until 1937. In 1940 it became the headquaters of Lokomotyv sports society. With the establishment of the Soviet regime in Lviv the society was revived and expanded. To fit the new demands of the 1950s, a new building was added to the older structure. Currently both buildings are used by the Lokomotyv railway workers sports club.
The 3-story “r-shaped” home of the former Sokil-2 athletic association faces south and west. The main drive-in entrance is built into the building’s rectangular south façade which features bay windows on the upper two stories. 1908 – the date of the structure’s completion – is carved above the entrance. A short lane on the west side turns into the yard, leading to the artificial turf field used for mini-football. The facades are decorated simply, with rusticated semicircular pilasters set in rusticated stone rows, with narrow windows and semicircular balconies. Taken together with its hipped roof, the building may be categorized as rationalist-style secession architecture. A later four-storey addition east of the original structure in the shape of a shortened rectangle (on the north end) appears to be only a two-storey structure because of its oversized windows. The northern and eastern facades are decorated with wide pilasters and the main entrance is accented with portal.
Gyms equipped for wrestling (first floor), wrestling, fencing, and physical training (second floor), and competitions (third floor) occupy the structures first three storeys. The fourth floor is used for service rooms. The building is characterized by a functionalist style.
Wladyslaw Wróbel –1930s Sokil-2 footballer
Adam Hnativ – weightlifter, world bantamweight record holder
Karlo Malinka – Sokil-2 footballer
Iryna Orobets – weightlifter, European and World Champion
Józef Piątkowski – architect of the 1907–1908Sokil-2 structure
Yuri Tkhorovki – boxer, twice USSR champion, champion of the USSR Spartakiada – a national USSR competition held a year prior to the Olympic Games
Lubov Kharkai – female cyclist, bronze medal world track-racing championship
Ihor Shymechko – weightlifter, participant at 2008 Beijing and 2012 London Olympic Games
Lviv Oblast State Archive - 2 /3/44:1–5
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Piłka nożna na ziemi Lwówskiej 1894–1939. Warszawa: 1996. p158
Szumowski, S. “Zloty sokoli”. Przegląd Sokoli -1909, №. 6, 7, 8, 11.
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