Vul. Bolharska, 4 – "Yunist" stadium
The "Yunist" (Youth) stadium is located on the territory of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Park of Culture and Recreation. It was opened in 1968. In the past days, Lviv football teams "Dynamo" and "Lviv"
were playing on it. Presently (2012), the owner of the stadium is the "Sokil
Rugby" club. The facility is used as a home arena of Lviv rugby players from the teams of "Sokil," "Sokil-Verkhovyna", and "Batiary." Presently (2012), the stadium is in a dilapidated condition
and requires reconstruction.
The "Yunist" stadium is located on the territory of
Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
Park of Culture
and Recreation. It is designed to capacitate 5 thousand fans. The
size of the football pitch with turf is 105х68 m. Around the pitch, there are
asphalted race courses. The stadium is fitted with service and
auxiliary facilities. Presently, all of them are in an
unsatisfactory technical condition.
Roman Fedochynskyi — a coach of the football team "Avtomobilist" that won the Cup of Ukraine among the physical training groups in 1985.
Stepan Yurchyshyn — a prominent Lviv football player. In 1990s – 2000s, a coach of the A League football club FC "Lviv."
Yuriy Hrabovskyi — a coach of the rugby team "Sokil" in the 2000s.
- J. Wierzbicki, Historia Polskiego Rugby 1920–1945 (Warszawa, 2011), 29.
- Євро-2012, 1 жовтня 2009, Ч. 9, 1-16.
- Історико-містобудівне обґрунтування реконструкції стадіону "Юність" у м. Львові.
- Протокол громадського слухання проекту містобудівного обґрунтування реконструкції стадіону "Юність" у парку культури ім. Б. Хмельницького у м. Львові.
- Я. В. Ракочий, "Парк культури та відпочинку у Львові. Проект та реалізація", Вісник Національного університету "Львівська Політехніка", 2002, № 439, 272-275.
By Khrystyna Kharchuk and Bohdan Mykhaylyunyo
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