
Rusovykh St. 4 — Gyneacological Department of the 5th Hospital

ID: 1387
Building of the Gyneacological Department of the 5th Hospital


 The territory was built up with 2-4-storied villas and residential houses, surrounded by greenery, in the spirit of Ebenezer Howard's idea of ​​the garden city fashionable at the time. In the late 19th century it was here that real estate was the most expensive in Lviv. This reflected the neighborhood's high status. In 1907 it was connected to the city's center by an electric tram line.

The finished building looked different that on the original designs. It is likely that because of the economic crisis of the early 1930s, it was not possible to finance the construction sufficiently degree. As a result, the building's façades have no décor; also, almost a full-fledged fifth floor is added. Obviously, it was a way to get the maximum possible living space caused by the housing crisis. The house had minimalistic apartments. Toilets, bathrooms, and kitchens were common for four rooms (each room had an area of 15-20 m2). By modern standards, it is similar to dormitory conditions.

In the original drawings, the planned amount of décor is quite impressive. The entrance, located at the corner, is decorated with double half-columns and a pediment. The two street façades have two avant-corpses, decorated with pilasters at the floors 1-3 level; the fourth floor windows have decorative belts and are topped with triangular gables having semicircular windows. At the building's corner, there is an attic with a magnificently decorated ball.

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